Micheal/RedVacktor Imagine

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(A/N) first off, thank you for the support! I have always been self conscious about my writing but this has boosted my confidence so thanks a lot! In this imagine, you go to high school with everyone from the offices. You are deaf and Red is learning sign language so he can sign back to you.

Your P.o.V

I trudged into the school, at an alarmingly slow rate. Of course I didn't like it, I'm pretty sure no one did. I looked over and saw my friends Adam, Ross, Max, Barney, Shelby, and Jess. There was another guy with them. He has hung around before but I've never been truly introduced.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Adam signed. I could read lips but they enjoyed signing and were determined to get better at it. "Have we introduced you to Red yet?"

'No. I don't think so.' I signed. The boy named Red seemed to blush when I looked at him. His red hair made me giggle when I made the connection to his name.

"Why are you laughing?" Red asked, then looking confused on if I understood him.

'Your hair and your name are the same. I don't know why I thought that was funny. I'm quite stupid. ' I signed back earning another confused glance from him. He turned to Barney looking for clarification on what I had said. Barney then explained but was cut off suddenly.

"Time for class (Y/N). Let's go!" signed Shelby, who was in my first class with me. Adam and Ross left for gym and Max, Jess, Barney, and Red went to math. I caught Red watch me as I went along my way with Shelby. I couldn't help but blush. This was going to be a good friendship.

-Time Skip-

It's been a couple weeks now and I'm currently at Adam's house with everyone. We usually played video games every Friday at someone's house. Shelby and I were the last to arrive. Traffic's a bitch.

"Wow. Look who finally decided to show up." Said Max in a real snappy tone. Shelby rolled her eyes and sat down next to him.

'Hey not my fault. Traffic is really bad. ' I signed. He just laughed and continued to play GTA V. 'Do you have any snacks?' I signed to Adam.

"Yeah. Red should be in there. Damn you guys all are constantly hungry. " he said. I got up and walked towards the kitchen, eyeing the ginger who was face first in the fridge. Red looked like he had a mini heart attack when he saw me.

'Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you' I signed, realizing that he probably didn't understand me. I quickly looked around for snacks so i could get out of this awkward scenario. But he caught my attention. He started to sign back.

"Don't worry I was too focused. I'm very hungry. " Red signed. I looked at him in awe. He learned sign language for me?

'Did you learn ASL for me?' I questioned.

"Yes. I was sad I couldn't understand a girl as pretty as you. " He signed. I immediately turned fifty shades of red. He walked over to me and grabbed my hands but awkwardly dropped them remembering he had to sign with his hands. That made me laugh.

"So (Y/N) I was wondering if we could go out sometime?" Red said. I smiled and couldn't stop. I could only nod. He picked me up and spun me around, setting me down carefully.

"Awesome. Alright let's go play some games." Red signed. He took my hand and dragged me into the room. Let's just say I was looking forward to that date.

-Time Skip-

Me and Shelby were headed home at about midnight. Playing video games really passes the time. Once we reach my house, she walked me the door, continuing our conversation about the whole Red debacle.

"So that's why he asked me to help home learn sign language! It all makes sense now!" She signed. I smiled. We said our goodbyes and I hopped in bed. All I could think about was how cute Red was.

(A/N) i came up with this idea because I'm currently trying to learn ASL. I can say basic things but that's about it. I still try though! But comment what you thought and if I should make a part 2 or not. OK BAI!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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