Chapter 1: Cheeky and a Flirt

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Before we get started with the story, I just want to tell you guys that this is my first time posting on this site so bare with me. And thank you guys for reading, I really appreciate the time that you have spent reading my horrid writings. You won't regret it! Most of the time...


Chapter 1

Andrea's P.O.V.

I had been back to Elk Grove for two days, not to mention I came back from Montana to go here in the middle of the semester. I'm still learning the ropes. It's changed a lot here since freshman year. I was still taking in the unfamiliar features they've added to the building since I've been gone.

"Andrea!" shouted Noah.

"What?!" I screamed uncertain of the situation. The hallway was packed with buzzing people, making me nervous.

"You're at your class," he said, voice still raised, smirk playing on his fine shaped lips.

"Thanks, Noah. It's been good seeing you again."

We wrapped our arms around each other, holding our positions for longer than necessary, his lightly tanned skin soft to the touch. Releasing, I took one last glance taking in his beautiful features, light grey eyes making a gentle contrast with his dark colored, short hair. Thin lips and rosy cheeks making his face become more child like. Waving goodbye, I walked into the classroom, carefully choosing the seat I was going to sit in. I picked one in the very back in the middle of the last row.

A guy around my age walked down the aisle that I was in. He stopped in front of me leaned down and whispered in my ear in a thick British accent, "That's my seat, sunshine, but since you're new here I won't make you get up, and you're a cutie."

He shuffled to the seat behind. I turned around to face him.

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm not new. I was a freshman when I moved, and now I'm back." I explained.

"Oh, did you now?" he asked taking the seat next to me.

"Yeah," I answered confidently.

"So, how do you know Noah?"

"Looks like curiosity and nosiness takes the best of you."

"Yeah it does. You should get that habit under control," He joked.

"And by 'we' I meant you." I said.

"I have my moments. I'm Marcel."

"I'm Andrea."

I turned around to face the teacher when class had started, feeling eyes on me, I whipped my head around to catch him looking me up and down.

"Like what you see?"

"Yep," he answered smugly.

"Cheeky and a flirt, I like the combination."

I looked him over as well, not being able to control where my eyes roamed. He was a cutie. Curly chestnut hair and emerald green eyes perfectly matching together. His cheeks had a light pink tint to them, matching his lips that always had a smirk playing on them. It brightened his features a bit. He owned a tall muscled frame, clad in a white V-neck, dark washed jeans and low top white converse. I saw a silver paper plane pendant around his neck, a silver band on his right ring finger, and thread bracelets that decorated his wrists.

He was an absolute ass, but I couldn't take my mind off of this boy. He was interesting and caught my attention. I wanted to know more.

My thoughts were snapped from their original positions when my algebra teacher slammed a textbook on his desk, grabbing my attention.

"Ms. Rodin! At least try and pay attention! Grab a worksheet from the front table. NOW!" Screamed Mr. Greene.

"Sorry," I apologized.

I hurriedly got up from my desk and retrieved a paper.

"Damn, she has a nice ass," I heard a familiar British accent murmur.

"Is there something you would like to add, Mr. Styles?"

"No, sir," Marcel replied meekly.

I was trying not to laugh at his sudden outburst. His cheeks turned as red as tomatoes.

'My, oh, my this was going to be an interesting school year', I thought to my self.


These first chapters will be kind of rough looking so just... Don't judge me too hard.

-Adriane xx.

A Marcel ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now