Chapter 2: I Promise

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A/N Hi! I know the first chapter was kinda short but I'll try to make them a little longer as time goes on. So yeah... ON WITH THE STORY!

Chapter 2

"See you later, Andrea," Marcel said with a dopy smile on his face.

"Bye, Marcel."

He turned away with a bright pink tint on his cheeks. Aww, he was blushing! I was turned around and nearly ran into Noah. He had a scowl on his face, his grey eyes icy and cold.

"Do you know who you were talking to?"

"Yeah, Marcel Styles."

He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What? Am I missing something?"

"More like a shit load," he mumbled. "Let's take a walk." He wrapped his long arm around my shoulders, guiding me along.

"We only have 3 minutes to get to class," I protested.

"I don't care. Let me tell you something. Marcel is dangerous. He came to this school Sophomore year and he didn't look as h-," he tried to word it carefully, "well, lets just say that he didn't have as good of a fashion sense back then. He was a nerd, people picked on him all the time, students and teachers, nobody did anything to stop them or make it better. He was one who kept to himself a lot. One day he just snapped and had enough. He beat up all the kids that had ever bullied him and filed complaints against some of the teachers that picked on him and got them fired." He turned around to face me, putting his hands on my shoulders startling me. "Be careful around Marcel, Andrea."

"Noah, I appreciate your protective qualities, but I'm fine. He's an ass but he's nice," I said, brushing his hands off my shoulders. Too bad we have the same class this hour, I sure could use the space.

"I'm trying to warn you, Andrea!" His voice low, a concerned facial expression. He gripped my shoulders even tighter.

"Noah, stop. You're starting to scare me," I whimpered.

"Promise me you'll stay away from Marcel."

I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes. "I promise."

He let go of my shoulders and placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me into the classroom. We sat in the middle of the array of desks. The bell had rang as we sat down. I was searching for a pencil when I heard the door open and close.

"Do you have a pass Mr. Styles?"

I sank I'm my chair.

'Why me', I muttered to the ceiling.

"What was that," asked Noah.



Chapter 2! It's finished, in the bag. Get some! So... Yeah. Chapter 3, people! LETS MOVE! I know I'm weird. Don't judge.

-Adriane xx.

A Marcel ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now