The Accident

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"Help! Please! Somebody!" I screamed at the top of my longs, as I swirled the writing in blood with my fingers, so nobody got suspicious if they saw it. Suddenly, a tall woman came out of a nearby house. "Why are you screamin- Oh my god! What on earth happened!" The woman questioned urgently. "JUST CALL 911 ALREADY!" I yelled through frustration and tears. "Oh... Right, sorry." The woman said a little dazed, as she pulled out her phone. Beep, bloop, beep, came a noise from the phone. A few seconds later, a man picked up. "911 what's your emergency." Said the man. "Hello, this is Marida Willm's on Oak Street, there is a young girl lying in this alley way, in a pool of blood." "We'll be right over mam." Said the man. "Thank you, Verman." Said Marida. "The pleasure is mine, Marida." Said Verman. "STOP FLIRTING AND GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" I yelled. "Er... Right, yes mam!" And with that, Verman hung up.

As I sat, waiting in the hospital, I couldn't help think about how Sevia even got into this mess. I mean, before school she was fine, and well, now she's in the hospital with major blood loss and tones of broken bones! I just don't understand! Everyone likes Sevia, she's like, super nice, and kinda popular, even though she spends most of her time with me. Why would anyone want to hurt her like this?

A few hours later, I was sitting in Sevia's hospital room, holding her hand. Sevia was asleep, but I needed to see her before her surgery. Suddenly, hers eyes began to flutter, and she winced through pain. "Sevia?!" I exclaimed. "Br-i? I-i, are you okay?" Sevia questioned. "Huh!? You're asking me if I'm okay! Sevia! You are in a hospital room, with bandages all over you, and you're asking if I'm okay?!" I said with disbelief! "T-they came out of n-nowhere, asking f-for you. I-i have f-failed. I-i'm sorry, please forgive m-me!" Sevia stuttered. "Um... Sure, okay, I forgive you? Look Sevia, I think you need some sleep, no, a lot of sleep!" I said. "N-no! Sevia yelled as she grabbed my arm. "Uh... Bye Sevia, see you later. I promise I'll drop by later!" With that I gathered my things and headed for the door. Suddenly out of nowhere, Sevia stood up in her bed, as if she was in a trance, "STARERS!" She yelled, as she fell right back down into sleep.

Please comment below what you thought! If I reach 100 reads I will write a new story! Please follow WarriorWolfi and Viper_shadows

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