Insignia Chapter 8

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The picture that really caught my attention was a simple painting to my right, the background of it was black with a silver frame, in the center of the black square there was a large white apple with a single bite taken out of it, the bite was red, blood red and it made the apple look like it was bleeding. The deep red blood bite had a black outline that looked as if a girl had taken the bite while wearing a thick layer of black lipstick. I quickly looked away, that picture was just too creepy and too life like... so instead of creeping myself out more I just started to count the yummy looking grapes in the other painting.

That is until I heard a click that made my head snap up towards the door as it opened.

Chapter 8.

Slowly opening the door, I looked around it and seeing that Kali was awake I smiled widely... that is until I saw the deathly glare of daggers on her face. "You know if you keep that look on your face for too long your face might just get stuck like that..." my humor was short lived.

"What the hell did you do to me? WHERE AM I?!" oh no... she was really mad...

"You-we are at uh the well I guess you could call it the institute..." my voice trailed off what could I tell her? Would she believe me if I told her that she had fainted and that this was our "hospital"? no... no she was much smarter than that then a piercing yell no wait I couldn't hear anyone yelling? GOD she was yelling at me in my head! 'DON'T YOU EVEN FUCKING TRY TO LIE TO ME I KNOW YOU ARE!'

"HOLY HELL KALI! You know how much that hurts my head!!! Jeez!"

"Just tell me where the hell I am NOW" well at least she seamed to have calmed down a little bit...

"As I said before, you are at the institute, your body was rejecting the change so we had to bring you here...or... you would have... well died" my voice faltered slightly as I looked at Kali she frowned.

"I...Guess that makes it all right... how long have we been here?" she looked puzzled about something but I couldn't tell what.

"uhh I think 6 days." I calculated in the one day of traveling.

She looked a little confused but then just madder than before"what the hell did you tell my parents!" the whisper yell was very harsh and I was surprised, didn't she know that we could deal with things like that?

"We told them a half truth, the truth part being that you are at a sort of school because you were excepted at it, and that this school rarely excepts students and if you declined you would be losing the best opportunity of your life. The not so truthful side being, that you are doing fine, that you will be coming back in a year, and that you are perfectly safe." I hope this doesn't make her go crazy...

"You told them WHAT?! Are you kidding me! Someone can't just drop off the face of the earth like that! Are you crazy?! All my stuff is still there and...and I didn't even get to say bye! You are sounding like I'm never going to see them again! What is happening! Can't ANYONE explain this?! GET OUT OF MY ROOM GET AWAY FROM ME! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!"

"I-I'm Kali-"

"GET OUT!" the yell was both mental and vocal, it was so forceful that I simply turned and left the room.

As I closed the door I spoke one quiet word "Fine."

Walking briskly through the hallway's I searched for Laura, maybe she could talk to Kali...after a few more minutes of searching I found her in a small training room with a tall ceiling and practice equipment, she was practicing simple flips and attacking techniques.

"Laura" I called quietly.

Immediately she tucked in mid flight and landed a few feet away from me in a 'ready to fight' kind of pose. "Bet you can't get me to the ground" she teased.

"We both know that we are an even match Laura" I was agitated from my conversation with Kali and it defiantly showed I could tell that Laura was picking it up.

"What's got your panties in a naught?" her expression had changed from teasing innocent 'let's go', to is something bothering you or is there something wrong?

"Just leave it Laura it's none of your business. Kali is awake and she has a lot of questions, go do what girls do, talk" I knew that Kali was mad at me but I just hoped that it wouldn't last and that she would at least talk to Laura.

"Fine then Mr. I'm so great and a lot better than you so go do what I tell you! But this doesn't mean we won't have a match! You better keep your eyes and ears open! I'm gunna attack when you're least expecting it!

Thanks for reading! please vote and comment i love comments, and i love suggestions :P tahsnk again fo rall your support to all my fans out there :)

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