Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We headed down the hallway towards the cafeteria together, stopping in front of the it where Mayor Reed was smiling like an idiot.

I spotted my uncle and Debby, and called them over. Suddenly, everyone started speaking at once.

Mayor Reed cleared his throat, and everyone suddenly became silent again.

"What is going on outside is real," he stated, looking around the room. "The Zombies' numbers have been doubling by the days. We suspect that they have been coming from nearby towns. We have fixed a radio and it seems...that this Zombie apocalypse has been happening all around the world. There is a place in Washington D.C, completely isolated from the rest of the world. They want any humans who have survived to be there. In one week, we head to Washington D.C. But we must all be ready for the war ahead."

Washington D.C was a two days journey, without rest stops. I could only imagine how long it would take while being attacked by Zombies too.


To get everyone ready, Mayor Reed had everyone learn how to use a gun. He had transformed the gym into a shooting range. Alyssa and I were just entering the new gym, looking for Jeremy and Dominic. Alyssa and Jeremy had been inseparable since he came here. I mean, I didn't blame them. They were the only family they had left.

I waved to uncle Bobby who was a few rows away. When we reached Jeremy and Dominic, they were both arguing.

"OK, no way, dude. I made a bulls-eye before you," I heard Dominic say, smirking.

I'd never seen this kid smirk before in my life. Hell, I'd never heard him talk.

"Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that," Jeremy joked, punching him in the shoulder. When he turned and saw us watching, he smiled, though not at Alyssa.

At me.

A small blush appeared on my cheeks.

"And what are you girls doing here?" Dominic asked, smirking as he looked at Alyssa.

Alyssa rolled her eyes, then turned to me.

"Dominic thinks girls shouldn't shoot," she stated, crossing her arms.

"They can't," he corrected, looking at his shotgun before putting more ammo in it.

I laughed and took the gun away from him.

"You shoot?" Jeremy asked, a sly smile on his face.

I lifted the gun and aimed it right for the middle of the target sign. All three rounds made it to the middle. I turned back to Jeremy and Dominic, who had their mouths open. I smirked.

"Yes, I shoot. You were saying, Dominic?" I laughed, batting my eyelashes. He rolled his own.

"Whatever," he said, then he turned to Alyssa. "Can you shoot like her too?"

Alyssa shook her head.

"I can't even hold a gun right," she giggled.

Dominic smirked. He seemed to really like Alyssa. Aw, so cute.

"Come over here and I'll show you."

A very red Alyssa followed Dominic across the room.

Jeremy laughed as he shook his head, and he went back to shooting. I set up next to him and joined in.



I followed Dominic across the gym. I could not understand why, but every time I was near him, I seemed forget about everything. My parents, the Zombies...everything. I didn't understand how he did it.

"Do you really not know how to hold a gun?" he asked, crossing his arms.

I shook my head. He rolled his eyes, but motioned for me to come closer. He placed me in front of him and handed me his gun.

"Aim at the target," he said. I followed his directions and aimed at the drawn picture of the bulls-eye. "OK, good." He moved in closer to me. I could feel him breathing down my neck. He placed his hand over my own one that was on the trigger. My heartbeat started racing. The beating was pounding in my ears really loudly, but apparently he didn't notice. "OK, now first you have to relax," he whispered into my ear.

How the hell is that going to happen if you're this close to me?!

Despite my body's protest, I relaxed.

"Good," he whispered.

I peeked up at him and ours eyes locked.

"What's next?" I whispered as my eyes moved from his eyes to his lips.

"And now-" he leaned in, minimizing the space between us. "-you kiss me."

I smirked as I leaned towards him. But before our lips could meet, I heard someone screaming behind me.



I could feel Jeremy's eyes on me as I practiced.

"Where did you learn how to shoot?" Jeremy asked, emptying his gun.

I smiled.

"My dad use to take me hunting with him."

I suddenly felt tears threaten to come down, and Jeremy must have sensed it.

"Oh, shit, Ella. You OK?" he asked.

I didn't want to cry in front of anyone. I smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to find - uncle."

Without letting him respond I walked, well, actually I ran away. I did not cry in front of anyone. That was why I used lock myself in my room when I did. I wiped the tears away as I walked around the school.

Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name.


I stopped and turned to see Jeremy running to me. Had he followed me?

"What are you doing here?' I asked, wiping away my tears and not looking him in eyes.

"I wanted to make sure you were OK," he said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

I smiled. He'd come after me because he wanted to make sure I was alright.

"I'm fine, really. Thanks for caring," I said.

I'd only known him for three days, but I felt really safe around him.

He frowned. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just starting conversation. I didn't know-"

"Jeremy, it's fine. I'm fine."

He nodded once, but I noticed he didn't ask why I'd started crying.

"Why don't you ask?" I wondered aloud, looking at the floor.

"Because it's none of my business."

I felt something. No one had ever said to me before. They usually always started asking questions like "When?" "Where?" "How?"

I smiled at him.

"Thank you," I whispered softly.


I whipped around to see Alyssa yelling from across the hall. I looked past her, confused. She was sprinting towards me and Jeremy, Dominic close behind.

"What?" I asked.

I could see the panic in her face. They were both out of breath.

"The-they - a-and - they-"

"OK, Alyssa take a deep breath." I turned to Dominic. "What's happening?" I demanded.

Suddenly, the fire drill went off through the whole building. It was loud, and the ringing hurt my ears, but I still heard every word that Dominic said.

"The Zombies: they've gotten past the guards. They're in the building."

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