My Dragon of Sin

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In my body
In my soul
A fire burns clear
Burning many holes

Fueling the fire
Is my dragon of sin
My dragon doesn't like me
He makes my heart cave in

He breaks it a lot
Many times in fact
He kills my kindness
My smile
My attack

I tried to fight this dragon
We brawl many times
He reminds me of my burdens
Of all my lies and crimes

I bring the sword of God
Upon his inky scales
Black as night and with a clink
All my hope crashes and fails

He roars and he riots
He stomps and he clomps
My little people of dreams
Scream and faint as he chomps

My dragon of sin
Will try to kill me soon
And when he waits for the strike
My world will cave in
Will pop like a balloon

Like a lamb to the slaughter
The peasant to the beast
The dragon's overpowered
Now my life has ceased

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