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"NYEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Yelled gerbals as one of the Nazi's tried to show him his seat...."I confuse Marlina how come the movie got past the partner without him seeing the umm scene that we made?"said Fredrick. "Well because the reader is probably pretty confused I'll explain...The rock we found can also be used as an ink to print onto the film when the partner saw it the level of ignorance was not high enough to make the material glow buttt with all the nazi's in the room the ignorance will cause the rock to glow and show the...image underneeth." "NYEAH NEAH NYEAH NEAYHH!!!" Said a voice from behind them. " "He says sit down and shut up!" said an officer standing beside gerbals....the movie began well enough. Everyone loved freidrich scene where he stabbed 12 zombies with a peice of corn...then the screen turned a weird gray color... a slow saxaphone played in the background and the scene cut to a room draped in american flags. Suddenly two dolls appeared with strings attached to their arms and legs. They began doing horrible things together making various "SQUAWS!" everyonce in a while. "THATS MAH BOY!!" yelled Rick freidrichs dad. But he was the only one to move. Marleena seezed the moment to act! She picked up 6 knives 2 in each hand amd began throwing them at various officers. Freidrich stood paniced and started to cry after a while. Suddenly gerbals stood up and let out a mighty rawr, "NYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" But he was quickly silenced by a knife. "Bring in the gaurds!" Yelled Rick gaurds came pouring through the doors (margo was there) and surrounded marleenee. This looked like the end when suddenly ITALY burst through the door! "MR. GERMANY! I Brought u pasta in a boot just like u ordered!"..."ITALY!" yelled freidrich I missed u so much! And everyone was freinds

the end

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