Chapter 1

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"It seemed like the sky tore open and from it fell the stars"

"Clarke we cant just attack anything and everything unknown that comes our way" said Octavia with a hint of anger in her voice.

"I dont want to risk my people going in there blindly and getting themselves killed just to establish a treaty with them" said Clarke as she paced around the room.

"What happened to Peace before War Clarke?"

"Listen Octavia I understand you don't want innocent people dying but if I dont do anything about  this, its our people who will suffer."

"How do you know for sure? what if they're just like us Clarke.Attacking them could cause panic.They literally fell from the sky just a few hours ago and you're already planning an attack on them?"

"I admire you're concern strisis you will surely make a great leader once im gone."

"Im not like you im not a nightblood and dont change the subject." a hint of disappointment in Octavias voice as she lowers her head.

"Just because you arent a nightblood doesn't mean you wont make a great leader one..."

In walks Markus the flamekeeper.

"Heda the ambassadors are ready to make a plan."

"Very well thank you Markus"

"I expect you to be in bed by the time I come back." 

"Why do you treat me like a child im 17."

"Reshop strisis" said Clarke as she rolled her eyes at her little sister and walk's out of the room.

"Markus ready helios"

"Would your sister aprove of this?"

"Relax flamekeeper I am just taking my horse out for a jog and perhaps to pick some flowers."

"Very well.Would you like some escorts?"

"No.I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."


"Heda if we attack before dawn there will be less casualties,it appears they dont even know we live here."

"Jasper I understand but are we sure attacking is the best solution to this? I mean they havent done anything wrong,not that we know of anyways."

"Clarke are you willing to take the risk and wait?"

"being completely honest...I dont know.What are your thoughts Monty?"

(Monty lifts his head at the sound of his name)"Well attacking does seem like the better choice but..."

"Being your future husband I think its best to eliminate the threat as quickly as we can" said Bellamy as he walked into the war room.

Clarke smiles,but both Monty and Jasper can tells its the same fake smile she uses when Bellamy is around.

"Yes,well I will need some time to think it over for now just remain on standby Ambassadors and you are free to leave just dont stray too far."

Monty and Jasper exit the room leaving Bellamy and Clarke alone.

"So how is my future wife?"

Bellamy leans in for a kiss but Clarke moves away.

"Sorry Bellamy im not in the mood right now....these sky people...I just dont know what to do."

"Well just attack and get it over with." a hint of anger in his voice

"If it were that simple I wouldnt be in charge bell."

"Let me guess it was Octavia who made you think twice."

"We were talking and she reminded me about Peace before War."

"Thats nonsense Clarke you cant let your little sister get into your head like that"

"She isn't just my little sister Bellamy.Shes smart,shes one tough kid,and she knows what shes talking about I cant just ignore her opinion."

"Fine.Whatever i'll be in my room reshop Clarke."


"Look at these Helios arent they just beautiful?"

Octavia walks around Helios and gently puts the flowers in his mane.Helios sniffs around slightly nervous.

"Hey pretty boy whats the matter?"

Branches can be heard cracking in the distance.The clear sound of footsteps echoes in the forest.Octavia ties Helios to a tree nearby and hides him in the bush.

"Stay here Helios i'll be back"

Octavia moves around the forest stealthily,moving closer and closer to the source of the footsteps. 

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