Forgiveness? Maybe! Or Maybe Not...

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Draco's POV

Hermione and I are engaged! Ginny and Harry are engaged! I have a stepdaughter- although Hermione said that I didn't have to call Rose my stepdaughter, I can think of her as completely ours!

We've been getting any teacher who is willing to watch Rose during the days. Hermione needs rest before she's up and about and I'm busy in class. The professors don't mind, though. In fact, they love Rose so much that, every now and then, they argue over who's gonna take her the next day! Most of the time it's McGonagall. Ginny is Godmother, and since Harry has been doing well with Teddy (at least before he came back to Hogwarts and had to let the Weasley family take care of him- which is OK since after Molly and Arthur heard about what Ron did, he is no longer welcome in their home), he is Godfather.

McGonagall gave us permission to celebrate on the grounds by having a party after a Quidditch match on the pitch. Everyone from Gryffindor in 6th and 7th year is invited, along with all the teachers, a select few Slytherin (such as Blaise Zabini- actually only Blaise, he was the only truly good Slytherin at this point, because I just found out that Pansy Parkinson just dropped out of Hogwarts because she "can't stand to see Drakie-Baby giving himself up to a mudblood").
In fact, Harry and I have already started planning the party. We're going to have it after a Gryffindor-Slytherin game. We'll set up everything the night before, and cast on it an invisibility charm, then when everyone is ready for the party, McGonagall will cast a charm to make everything appear. Another big event that's happening a few days after will be Hogwarts 6th and 7th year Prom (a new, annual feature, thanks to McGonagall)!

We are, unfortunately, inviting the weasel to the engagement party/baby shower. Hermione decided that it's time to quit the nonsense, and Harry went along with it. Deep down I think he misses his best mate- but surprisingly enough, and I'm actually truly not ashamed to say it, I've become a really close second...

Weasel used to glare at me, but I think he's gotten over himself... Hopefully Hermione, too. He's been a lot more sad now, watching the Golden Trio become Potter, Gran- I mean Malfoy- and... Well me, Malfoy. Weasel is almost no more.

Hermione's recovering, still. It's been almost a week, but she'll be back to classes tomorrow; she won't have to make up anything though, because she's had Harry or me deliver her homework and assignments every day. Every. Freaking. Day.

Hermione's also started calling herself a Malfoy, even though we won't be getting married for a few years, we definitely aren't making the mistake of rushing, but I get what Harry meant about telling me I should propose early, because it bonds us more now than when we were just dating. She met my mother over Easter Holidays, as mother had decided to come to Hogwarts when she found out I was a father, and since my father isn't there to go against it, my mother can happily like anyone- pure blood, mudblood, half blood, really any blood! My mother adored Hermione, and insisted that she could visit anytime she liked.

So basically, life is pretty dang good right now.


Harry's POV- Day Before Party

I have to take Hermione's homework to her today. Draco said its my turn, and that he did yesterday (although I coulda sworn I did). I walked around the corner to find none other than Ron himself, waiting near the door of the infirmary. I stopped in my tracks. He was in front of the door. I looked at him and gave a slight glare.

"Ron." I blankly greeted. This is how I had said hello every time he said hi.

"Harry I need you to listen. Please."

I didn't reply, I just raised my eyebrows, insinuating that he go on.

"I am sorry. I know you love her so much. I get that she's the closest thing to family you have, because she's more than a best friend to you; she's your sister. And you want her to be happy."

"What else is new?" I asked sarcastically, "Does Hermione have brown hair? Is Ginny amazing? Are you an arse? The real question is, Ronald... Do I give two pigfarts about your apology? Because it really isn't me who needs to hear it. Honestly, Ron, I'll totally forgive you. I want to and you have to know that, but please, you have to know that without Hermione's forgiveness, you don't get mine. Simple as that."

"I hear you loud and clear, Harry. Just let me talk to her."

I thought about this and sighed in defeat. I at least have to give Hermione a heads-up, first, though. Even though she probably won't mind, she wants to "cut the nonsense" with Ron anyway...

"Fine." I sighed. "Come on in."

Hermione's POV

I saw Harry walk in looking oddly stiff, I looked over at him from the bed I lay in and find out why. Behind him emerges a tall, freckled, red-haired figure that I hadn't seen in months. This was finally the day that we quit this nonsense and maybe even start talking again.

Harry put my books on the bedside table and walked out without a word... But I heard him mutter a spell. Then I recognized that it must be a spell so he could here us from outside. I smiled discretely. Then I finally spoke... At least a word.


"Hi, Hermione." He gave me a half smile. Something I missed seeing. I missed talking and laughing with him and being best friends.

"Um... You wanted to see me?"

"Oh! Right!" There's the cheekiness I miss, "Hermione look. I know I was such a.. a.. I don't know... Oh right! A COMPLETE GIT TO YOU! I AM SO SORRY MIONE BUT I CANT TAKE IT SO PLEASE! PLEASE! IM NOT ASKING YOU TO FORGIVE ME AND BE BEST BUDS, BUT PLEASE TELL ME WE CAN SPEA-"

I cut him off. He was on the verge of tears. I saw he was true to his word. "Ron! Calm down! It's okay! You think I invited you to the party because I didn't wanna make amends?"

"Oh yeah... The party!" He exclaimed. "I, um... I heard of your..." He cleared his throat, "engagement."

I frowned. "Ron I-"

"No! It's ok! He makes you happy. That's alright with me." He smiled. "So um... I'm I at least partially forgived?"

"Yeah, Ron." I smiled. "Of course... But partially..."

He laughed. "Good enough for me."


PS: Keep commenting! I love to see what you think!


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