Chapter 2 The Prank

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Harry's POV

The lads and I are ecstatic to go home. Louis parked the car in the driveway and we all piled out.

When we walked in, the house was silent. We searched for any kind of movement or sound. I barged into Nick's room and what I saw made me fall on my knees and burst into tears.

Nick was lying on the ground. Her face ghost white and her lips were purple. There was an empty bottle of Tylenol. There was a girl kneeling beside her sobbing.

The boys ran and stopped behind me. I crawled towards her pale body and grabbed her hand. I sobbed on her chest.

The other lads also broke broke crying. The boys really liked Nick and they were really close to her.

All of us cried for 10 minutes and the. Suddenly, Nick moved.

"Late April fools!" Nick and the other girl screamed in sync.

The lads and I were shocked and I couldn't even move! My sister is not dead!!! I hugged her. Her chest vibrated as she laughed.

"Hey! It's not even April! And that was not funny! We had a heart attack!" Louis whined. Nick chuckled again.

"Ow you're giving me a heart attack lookin like the way do-o." Nick and the other girl screamed.

All if us face palmed.

" okay I am sorry, but you should look at your expressions! It was priceless and fucking hilarious!!" Nick screamed.

She got up and turned off the camera that was on the nightstand. I didn't e en notice it!

Nick's POV

Their faces! The prank was hilarious! And Christine should get an award for being the best actress in world!

I kicked the boys out of my room and faced Christine.

"You never told me that your brother is Harry fucking styles!" Christine screamed.

"Jeez woman. I sound so much like Louis. Back to the point. I only met you today and Harry's middle name is not fucking "

Christine's mouth made an 'o' shape. I looked at the video and uploaded on YouTube and tweeted it.

I strolled into the bathroom and wiped off the purple lipstick and face powder. I am naturally really pale since I always wear long sleeves and cover my skin. I am not tanned like the other girls here in London. My skin is really white and my lips are a light shape of pink.

Christine and I proceeded down the stairs and the boy's girlfriend were aready here. I hugged them all, but there was one girl I didn't know.

Harry stepped towards the girl and snaked his hand around her waist.

"Nick this is........"

Hi my chocolatiers!!!! sorry for the short chapter!!! Pic of Nicholas on the side. 10 reads, or 3 comments till the next update!

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