Chapter 1 New Friend

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh, stupid alarm. Another day of hell. But on the bright side, Harry a d the rest of the band are coming today!!! There are gonna spend their 2 month break here in our house in London.

I got up from my comfy comforter and walked into my massive bathroom. I striped down and hopped onto the shower. I let the scalding hot water soothe my tense muscles.

I hopped out of the shower and was greeted by a blast of cold air. I quickly wrapped myself in a towel and changed into skinny jeans, a plain black full sleeve tee shirt and Harry's tee over it. I put on my mascara and strawberry Chapstick.

I walked down the stairs, grabbing myself an apple from the kitchen and my car keys. Strolling to the garage, I jumped on the the driver's seat of my black Porsche.

At school

I parked my car in the student parking lot and turned my engine off. Taking my bag, I walked out.

I walked down the crowded hallways to my locker. I hurriedly took out my books and SLAM! The locker door shut. I am greeted by my ex boyfriend aka my bully, Jacob.

"You seem happy today. Seems like you haven't been getting your daily beatings hard enough," he smirked and punched me in the jaw. I stood ground and didn't budge. He punched me again, this time in gut. Air instantly got knocked out of my lungs and I fell on the floor. I got punched and kicked some more than Jacob left.

I struggle to get up, but i was currently disabled in my position. I suddenly felt two small hands underneath my armpits lift me up. I stood straight up, but instantly regretted it.

"Hi my name is Christine, I am new here." The girl who helped me up said.

" oh, h-hey. M-my n-n-name is N-Nicholas." Damn I need to fix my stuttering. And Christine is hot, I wonder if she would- no Nicholas, you are trying to fix yourself. Don't back up now.

"Yes you do need to fix your stuttering. Thank you and I am not bi or lesbian. I blushed crimson red.

"A-are y-you go-gonna hurt m-me?" I brought my hand to my face, waiting the insult.

" why will I hurt you? I was also once bi, but now I am straight as a stick!" She said. I sighed I relief.

"Let me see your schedule," she handed me the schedule.

"We have all the classes together," I whispered. I doubt she could hear it.

"Awesome!" she exclaimed.

The both of us walked to our first class, math. Christine was assigned to a seat at the front. I strolled to my usual seat in the back. I was considered the 'nerd' in school.

I am a straight A student. I think that's the reason people call me a nerd. I don't look like a nerd though, I look slightly gothic. The thirty second warning bell rang and the students started to pile in. The bell rang and our math teacher, mr bean started teaching.

Mr bean is a wonderful teacher. He is very hilarious and can make anyone laugh. He is immature and his personality is exactly like Louis. Well except for the looks and all. Mr bean is my most favourite teacher and I am his most favourite student.

The class ended really fast, too fast for my liking. Now I have history with Jacob and Connor. Conner is one of Jacob's followers. I slowly walked to the classroom, dreading the next hour.

After school

Christine and I became really good friends. The day went by surprisingly well. I wasn't beaten up, except for the one in the morning. There were occasional bumps and shoves, but I didn't mind.

"My bro and his friends are coming over home today from work, wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure," she replied.

We hopped in the car and strapped up. Christine turned up the radio and "what makes you beautiful" came. The both of us were singing at the top of our lungs.

"You like one direction?" I asked after the song ended.

"Hell yeah!" She screamed in my ear.

"You are just like Louis." I said.

"Who is Louis?" She asked.

"My best friend," I replied.

"Soooooo, who's your favourite from one direction?" I asked.

"Harry," she exclaimed.

I laughed. She is meant for Harry. I am so anxious to go home and meet them!

I accelerated the car and in two minutes we were home, parked in the driveway. The both of us went to my room. The boys are gonna be hear in thirty minutes.

"Hey I have an idea for a prank," I exclaimed.

"Are you a good actress?" I asked.

She nodded. I explain the plan. The boys are in for tears and a surprise.

sooooo hey my chocolatiers!!! Have fun Reading!!! pic of christine in the side. nicholas is as julia vm, but she has blonde hair. she looks like julia vm in the cover!! have fun!!!! 2 votes or 5 reads till the next update!!!

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