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Mr. Sloan took my place in the shop and I was able to have the week off to recover. Mandy told him it was a vampire that attacked me and he was more than willing to be generous in my time away. Considering we had never missed a day, we had enough sick leave to cover years off and being able to relax at home was actually a nice change of pace. Owen picked Mandy up and dropped her off and by the Saturday I was eager to get back into training. The swelling had gone down but the bruise was still clear and despite Mandy's protest we headed to his warehouse as we did every Saturday morning and I had never been happier to get out of the house.

"Glad to see you're ok" Gerri hugged me tightly while Mandy went change out of her winter gear. What I wasn't expecting was Luke to walk in. No one paid him much attention until Cam saw him and in turn told Michael. "I didn't believe Owen when he told me. Two attacks and you survived both"

"I know" I smiled briefly; I guess the vampire attack story hadn't just been for Mr.Sloan. "I'll talk to you in a sec"I left her to go over to Luke as Owen appeared, blocking me. He shook his head at me as Mandy came back to my side and we stayed where we were.

"What's going on?" She whispered as Owen and Luke shook hands and headed out the back to the ring.

"I don't know" I went to go after them when Michael stepped in front of us and I couldn't help but worry for Luke.

"Ladies" His eyes settled on my face, frowning as he took it in. "What happened to you?"

"Mandy wanted the chocolate more" I joked, glancing towards the door Owen closed it. She punched my arm lightly as we tried to make a joke of it and I couldn't help fidgeting with the sweatband I kept around my scar. The towel like fabric seemed to be made of prickles today and I tried my best to ignore the discomfort it was causing.

"Come on guys, get into place" Gerri clapped her hands gathering our attention and Michael stopped himself before he could say whatever he was going to. But I had a feeling that wasn't the last we'd see of him today. The whole session I was aware of his eyes on us and for the first time since we started, I struggled to keep up and had to stop before the end.

"You ok?" Michael passed me a bottle of water from Gerri's cooler and his sudden three sixty in behaviour had me paranoid. Was it because Luke was here?

"Fine" I hesitated before taking the water, "Thanks"

As he walked back to Cam and some of the other guys Mandy was back at my side, wiping her brow with a towel I was impressed as seriously she she took these work outs lately. "What is that about?"

"I have no idea"

As our group split up we headed out the back to find Owen and Luke talking quietly and seeing us, Owen left him and as he passed, paused in front of us. "Don't act like you know him ok, especially with you know who around"

Mandy nodded and as the guys came in and like I did each week, I waited to see some of the familiar faces of the girls who came too. They never came anymore and I knew why. They had been the ones left to die under the house. I shuddered at the thought and took a seat on the bench beside Mandy as Owen addressed the group.

"Find a partner, ring is open. Keep it clean" Luke lingered in the back of the room, watching intently as the first couple headed in under Owens guidance and as the match ended, Gerri joined him. I wanted to know what was going on so badly but doubted that we would be told anything unless they wanted us to know.

"Fancy a rematch?" Michael challenged as he strapped his knuckles.

"Not today" Mandy sat up a little straighter, glaring at him.

"Scared I won't let you win this time?" The guy was intolerable.

"Please, I could have a broken arm and still beat you. How many times do I have to prove it to you?" I stood up, more than willing to prove it to him. The sniggers from his friends didn't help and the only one not getting involved was Cam who instead had his eyes on Mandy as she got up to stand between us.

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