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Waking up I began to stretch, each part of my body finding a release as if I had just stood after sitting for a long period of time and yawning I barely opened my eyes. All I could see was the familiar surroundings of my bedroom and the warmth of being safe but the more awake I became the more hung over I was feeling yet memories of being chased a vampire version of Ryan had me confused. What an odd dream to have and I couldn't but smile at absurd it sounded, Ryan would think I lost my mind. Rolling over onto my side my memory suddenly cleared at seeing Mandy's body in the middle of my bedroom floor.

It hadn't been a dream.

But how did Mandy get here, she was supposed to be with my parents - safe.

Getting up I dropped down to her side, ignoring the headache that grew with each breath I now took. She seemed unharmed, no bite marks or bruises until I looked closer at her neck and the red marks matched a handprint.

"Mandy?" I whispered, stopping the sobs that chocked me but the tears were on their own. "Manda. Come on, wake up!" I shook her gently, moving to sit her head in my lap she was still breathing albeit slowly. I tapped her cheek, "Amanda!"

Were my parents going to be here too? I looked to the window, the red glow through the curtains a sign of the setting sun. Time wasn't running out anymore, it was gone. "Mandy please wake up"

I gently put her down and went to the door, trying unsuccessfully to open it so instead pulled back the curtains and looking out the backyard it was empty. Mandy groaned as I opened the window, the cold air taking over the warmth of the room and looking back over to her she was trying to sit up holding her head.


"Oh thank god! Are you ok? How did you get here?" I felt bad for bombarding her but I didn't really have a choice.

"I'm ok, are you? Is Cam here?" She looked around and I could see her recognize her surroundings as she looked for Cam. "We were coming to help, Gerri followed Owen and we went with her. I don't know what happened after that"

"Why did you leave? You were safe there!" I groaned, helping her stand she needed a second to get her balance back.

"Because I wasn't going to just leave you to die! I know you wouldn't have even left if it was the other way around" Fighting wasn't going to get us anywhere.

"I know but this is my fault"

"Never mind any of that and it's not your fault" She looked around before going to the window and like me she knew it was our way out.

"I guess that will teach me to date an older guy?" I joked in an attempt to lighten the mood but she only glared at me. If we survived this, then we could laugh over it. "Too soon?"

"I guess we're sneaking out again?" She asked, ignoring my question and nodding I slid the window covering off the sill and got ready to climb down. "You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl"

"Oh so you can make jokes?" I teased, despite hating the fact she was now in the line of fire I was glad she was here.

"Yeah cause mine are funny" She swayed slightly and I knew she wasn't ready for climbing down yet but what choice did we have?

I got half way when she started to follow and I jumped the last meter down, waiting to help her land. We had been doing that climb since we were fifteen and it seemed as though old habits never died. "Now what? Where are they?"

She had a point. Where was everyone? With night coming we not only had to worry about the vampires but the werewolves and whatever else was out there. "No idea. But we shouldn't risk it; let's go down that side and over the fence. We can sprint across the paddock to the road and find a car"

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