It's been a while

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“Babe” I shouted down the hallway. It had been a while since Harry and I had sex, so to say I was nervous was an understatement. Things around our apartment had been getting a little crazy lately and we haven’t had any time alone. I knew tonight he was going to be home and I’d have him all to myself but I just wasn’t sure how to approach it anymore, I didn’t know if he was even still attracted too me? It’s been 3 months and I’m aching for his touch.

“Yeah love” He shouted back from down in his study. He’s been trying to write new music and he is so caught up in it he hasn’t payed any attention to me. I took one last glance in the full length mirror positioned on the back of the door. And I suddenly felt stupid. Who am I kidding? He doesn’t want me like he used to, regardless of the sexy lingerie things just aren’t the same. ‘

“Love are you alright?” He called out. No I am going to do this, I did not spend this much money and effort on making myself look this good for nothing. I looked in the mirror again I was wearing knee high black stripper boots, black frilly underwear connected to suspenders. A black lace corset hugged my upper half tightly. I took a deep breath before opening the door and making my way down the hallway.

“Why can I hear high heels? Are you going out?” Harry questioned wearily.

“Nope” I popped the ‘p’.

“Well then why are you…” His voice trailed off as I appeared in the door way of his study. His mouth hung open and his green eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of his head.

“Oh my god” He breathed slowly. “Come here right now” Harry demanded.

I obeyed and went to stand directly in front of him as he resumed his position sitting on his office chair.

“Now sit.” He said gesturing to his lap. As soon as I did his hands were positioned on my waist.

“What’s all this for” his raspy voice whispered into my ear and his fingers started to slowly unzip the back of my knee high boots, sending chills right through me.

God I missed his touch.

“I um, I” I stammered for a response I didn’t want to seem pathetic and tell him the actual reason so I quickly improvised. “I just wanted to, um, surprise you.”

“I know you’re lying Jennifer”

Damn. “Well I just, I feel like you don’t want me anymore Harry it’s been almost 3 months.” I turned to face him and his eyes searched mine. “I just wanted to prove to you that I can still be fun like I used to be.” I whispered, embarrassed by what I was saying.  

His fingers trailed up from my waist and landed on my neck. He took my hair and gently winded it up taking a hair band from my wrist and put it on a bun on top of my head. He gently pecked me on the base of my neck and made his way up to behind my ear, leaving what felt like a trail of scorching fire behind as he went.

“How could you not think I want you?” He sounded desperate. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my entire life, especially right now” He purred. “I want to be the only one you want. Am I the only one you want?” He asked sucking harder on the skin just below my ear, surely there will be a bruise there tomorrow. “Am I?” He pushed

“Yes” I whimpered so quietly I doubt he heard me.

“What was that babe? Speak up.”

“Yes Harry, it’s you, only you.” I whimpered but louder this time.

“Good. Because I want you” He whispered back in my ear so seductively. “I want you all day, every day. I want to touch you in place that only I am granted access too. I want to be the only one who can make you scream. I want to take you right here, on the kitchen bench, in the shower, on the floor, anywhere possible. How could you think I don’t want you?” he breathed. His hot breath trickled down my neck making me wet because I knew what was soon to come.  “You don’t need those boots, or the corset, it is a bonus but I’d still take you even if you were wearing your track suit, all you need to do is ask.”

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