Finals stress

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// Souji is actually me ryt now, no joke. I crei.

It's been about a year and a half since Heisuke and Souji started dating.
They were in their third, and last year now.
The fact they were close to graduating school, made Souji think about something, he kind of wanted to move in with Heisuke after school.

He did think it was a bit soon, but the heart wants what the heart wants right? He actually did talk about it with Heisuke once, it was an odd scenery, after they did their thing they took a bath, and suddenly talk about the future came up.

After high school... Huh? Will I even make it? What if I don't graduate. Man, I'm not grown up enough yet to find a proper job and stuff.

He banged his head against the desk he was sitting at.

"Souji, you okay?"

He heard Heisuke snort in amusement, and felt his hand rubbing his own back.

"Iiiiii'mmm.. Alright"

Souji wasn't really in the mood to dump all his stress on his boyfriend, he had his own stuff to worry about.

"Are you sure? Stressed out because of the upcoming exams?"

Heisuke chuckled and wrapped his arms around Souji, trying to calm him down a bit.
After a few seconds a loud sigh escaped Souji's lips.

"Soouji, don't be so depressed, it's unlike you, smile for me okay~?"

Souji simply sighed again and lifted his head up before turning it to his boyfriend with a pout and a frown on his face.

Heisuke huffed at the lack of energy radiating from his boyfriend and placed both of his hands on Souji's cheeks, pressing them together to make a puffy fishy face.

"Stupid Souji. Smile!"

Souji still gave him a blank face but atleast Heisuke himself was enjoying the sight.
He snorted in an amused manner and laughed loudly, making Souji laugh in the proces as well.
He first cracked a small smile before he bursted out in laughter.

Heisuke feeling victorious, clapped his hands together excitedly and turned around his boyfriend's chair, then he crawled on Souji's lap, nuzzling into his neck.

"Good, you're laughing again!"

Not soon after he felt strong arms snaking around his waist.

"Thank you, Heisuke-kun"

"Don't thank me! That is my job as your boyfriend!"

He giggled cutely and ruffled up Souji's reddish-brown locks.

"You seem fine, are you not stressed out about it?"

"Hmm... Of course I am! Sometimes.. But I try to not think about it, learn for a bit and then relax, that's why I came to visit you!"

Souji grinned widely and stood up with Heisuke in his arms, before throwing themselves on the bed, Souji untop, hugging his boyfriend, though very careful to not crush him under his weight.

Heisuke gasped softly in suprise but giggled afterwards before wrapping his arms and legs around the taller man.

"Ehe, Souji, you're so cuuutee~"

Souji simply sighed in content and nuzzled his face in Heisuke's neck, chuckling lowly as he starts placing long wet kisses on the boy's neck.

Heisuke gasped once again at that feeling and his face heats up, he turns his head slightly as to make more room.


A chuckle with a dark twist left his lips when he hears his own name rolling off the boy's tongue.

"Hmm? What is it Heisuke-kun~ Want more?"

Heisuke's cheeks flushed a deep red and he extended his arm towards a pillow. Grabbing it tightly before smacking Souji in his face.

Heisuke chuckled at the small groan that left Souji's lips when the pillow hit his face.

"You're cockblocking yourself dumbass"

Heisuke's laugh become even louder and Souji started pouting.

"You're always horny so it's fine"

Souji sighed deeply as a pink blush creeps on to his cheeks, he averted his eyes and stopped hovering over Heisuke.

"Am not!"

"Okay it's not that bad, but you do have a pretty high libido Souji c'mon."

Souji pouted once again and looked down.

"T-that's not my fault"

"Never said I didn't like it~"

"You're a real closet pervert aren't you?"

Heisuke giggled innocently and pressed his lips against Souji's lips.

Souji kissed him back and hummed softly, moving his hands to Heisuke's hands to hold them tightly.

"I love you Heisuke-kun~"

Heisuke smiled and places his forehead against Souji's.

"I love you too"


//Soooo I refuse to stop writing the OTP, so I'll either turn this book into a oneshot book. Or I'll make a seperate OkiHei oneshot book.
I dunno what's better tbh.

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