Part Two

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Chaos reigns in the grotto as the Magi slowly realize what has happened. Scott finds his parents' faces in the crowd and sees that they are concerned but also embarrassed. This is twice now he's made history, made a scene. He turns to Mitch and nods toward the group of young Magi who are already Bound. The sooner they can move on the better.

It's tricky though. Even the twenty seconds it takes to cross the small space, the little wrinkly cat is howling. It is clinging to Mitch, but doesn't like being separated from Scott at all. Mitch leans down to kiss between the kitten's ears, shushing him, but he doesn't settle down until Scott puts a hand on him too. The instantaneous shift from whining to purring is mildly adorable, but Scott worries about how inconvenient it is to expect him and Mitch to be this close to one another at all times.

The rest of the boys are called forward and Bound and nothing else goes amiss. During that time, Scott and Mitch spend a lot of time trying to communicate with only their eyes. They've always been able to have whole conversations without words, but this is the kind of situation that needs yelling and gesturing and pacing. Not much of that is possible with this little creature stuck between them.

The last boy, Andrew Zuckerman is called forward and Bound to a jet black cat with golden eyes and then it's over. The Ceremony shifts seamlessly into a celebration, but Scott and Mitch hurry for the exit, hoping to find some clarity above ground.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks once they've made it up into the fresh air. It's still plenty warm, despite being October, but a light breeze blowing through the dying, fragrant leaves helps complete the illusion that autumn is here. Mitch is so busy watching the cat as it smells and stares at the world for the first time that he has to ask Scott to repeat his question.

"I'm fine," he finally says. "It doesn't hurt anymore. What about you?"

"Same," Scott replies, rubbing at the place on his chest that had felt like it was going to explode. "But I have no clue how this is going to work. How are we supposed to share a familiar?"

"Maybe we should ask him?" Mitch suggests and he looks down fondly at cat. "Hello, little one. First things first. Do you have a name, or shall we choose one?"

The little cat purrs and bumps his head into Mitch's palm just as he curls his long tail around Scott's finger. Scott jumps because he can hear something like a staticky radio station playing way in the back of his head. After a moment of shock, he remembers that this part at least is normal. He closes his eyes and tries to tune that radio carefully, honing in on the magical signal.

Most of what he hears comes to him in ideas and images rather than audible words. He can see Mitch's face and his own, can feel a warm love radiating toward those two faces. He has the sensation of hunger and thirst and exhaustion and also manic energy. The cat seems to think of himself as bigger and stronger than he is currently. He wants to run through this park and chase little bugs and rodents and jump up into the dying trees. But above all he wants to stay right here, with his cheek against the little Mage's hand and his tail wrapped around the big Mage's finger.

Scott also feels a sense of peace and comfort about that arrangement, and as he gives in and falls that last little bit in love with the cat, he can make out the sound of two English words.

Wyatt Blue.

Scott opens his eyes and Mitch does the same, looking at him with a bright expression. "Wyatt!" they say, and the little cat purrs contentedly.

"He is awfully cute," Scott admits, despite being more of a dog person, and despite the fact that this little hairless cat can't help but look a bit unfinished.

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