Part Four

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The story of what happened at Todrick and Jesse's commitment ceremony is quickly embellished and distorted throughout both the local covens and the one back in Arlington. Scott's phone rings constantly over the next two days as people beg for details and confirmation. He is forthcoming with his family only, and lets everyone else leave messages that he doesn't plan to even listen to let alone return.

Mitch tries at first to be pretty cavalier about the whole thing, rolling his eyes at the nosy old Magi all up in his business, but it's hard to be flippant about what has happened. It's a very big deal.

Rogue Mages are a part of this life; anytime there is power, there are those who wish to exploit it or wield it for wicked purposes. Usually Mages don't target their own though, and certainly not in full view of the coven leadership. It takes two days for Todrick and Jesse to wake up, but as soon as they are conscious, a tribunal is called, and Scott and Mitch are asked to testify.

Scott does his best to paint Todrick in as flattering a light as possible. Yes, his ambition got out of control, but at the heart of things, they were still old friends. He tries to highlight Todrick's good qualities, but as he feared, the questioning keeps coming back around to his situation with Mitch and Wyatt. So much for keeping a low profile. Now every Mage in Los Angeles knows the story.

Todrick gives little in the way of a defense. He blames the competitive culture in New York and LA for making him feel like he had to prove himself, had to be the best. However understandable that might be, it's still a weak argument, and while Jesse is believed when he says he had no idea what was happening, Todrick is pronounced guilty of several magical violations. The problem with such a verdict is that it's almost impossible to enforce. Magic is in the blood, a gift given from the elements themselves. It cannot be taken from a Mage, and there is no cell that can hold someone like Todrick Hall. In the old days, there wasn't much that could be done about crime besides execution, but fortunately, a less deadly solution has bloomed over the years.

It's a potion, one that numbs the Mage's ability to feel the elements, keeps them dark to the glow of magic all around them. That combined with exile from his familiar or partner, would be enough to subdue even the vilest offender. It breaks Scott's heart to see Todrick led away, to see Jesse and the unholy Rottweiler pup left behind, crying. This is appropriate justice, but it still feels a bit wrong.

Wyatt gives an anxious sort of meow and Scott and Mitch turn to leave the little courtroom. They don't make it to the door before they are called back. Questions are asked, more details requested in what they keep calling the Double Binding. Scott argues that it's misleading to call it that.

"I'm Bound to Mitch and no one else," he says. "We don't actually need a familiar, I don't think. Wyatt is just helping us skip a few evolutionary steps."

The leader of the LA coven, a man named Clay Brighton, leans forward in his seat, talking directly to Scott. "I'm fascinated by your situation. We've seen early Bindings before, of course, but never like this. It would be an honor if you would come and work with me. You have unique gifts that can change the way we teach and practice magic!"

"We're still learning," Scott hedges. "We don't know all the basic stuff yet, let alone how to work with the extra abilities we've been given. I can't speak for Mitch, but I'm not sure this is what we want."

"You two must be incredibly compatible," Brighton comments, looking between them. "I appreciate the politeness, but why would you think you can't speak for him."

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