So what was that all about i ask my sister when we got home. It was nothing but a lil kiss on the cheek. Yea a lil kiss alright you seemed pretty happy after he did that. Omg whats the big deal huh why are you worried about what im doing or kissing. Look Andrea i just dont want to see you hurt you know malik is a player and i dont want my sister hurt. Oh buts its ok for you too date some slut but i cant date a sweet guy.
She stormed of in her room before i can even speak. "WHERE THE HELL WAS YOU GUYS AT". That vocie it was my mom boyfriend. "We was at the movies with our friends why you worried about it". "WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO YOU KNOW DAMN WELL IM THE MAN AROUND THESE PARK SO YOU BETS HAVE RESPECT FOR ME". Thats all he do is yell im tired of him thinking he run things around here so all i do is leave.
"WHERE THE HELL YOU THINK YOU GOING". Im Leaving thats what im doing i yell back. "NO THE HELL YOU NOT ". He yells then next thing you know im getting choked out by him slamed on the car and kicked around on the side walk. Theres blood everywhere. Then i feel like i cant breath when i look up all i see is a angry man but not just that i also see my twin just standing there in fear like theres nothing for her to do no way to help please Andrea help me please.