Chapter Thirty - Waking the Fallen

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Somewhere else again

Johnny sprang up onto the windowsill, body tensed, hackles bristling. 

Shamus crouched next to him, pink tongue lolling between his front canines.  So, what are we going to do if we lose control of him, JC?

Johnny growled, The only thing we can do is the fuck away...'cause you know how dangerous an angry vamp can be.

Shamus rumbled as he peeked through the dirty glass.  Truth.  I wish Patrick were here.

Well, kid...he's watching over Pierre's girl.  He can't be in two places at once. Johnny rubbed his nose against the glass then lifted a paw to scratch at the metal frame.  He could see The Rev through the glass; the lanky vampire appeared to be having a heated conversation with Pierre who was chained to the bed. 

Shamus grunted and rubbed the side of his face against left foreleg.  Why'd you drag me along?  I mean...I've just met the vamp once.  I hardly know him.

Johnny shook his head hackles still up as Zacky, who had been sitting in the shadows, approached the window and carefully slid it open.

You were just there...Johnny had stopped by the little hideout in the city to find the younger Were playing cards by himself.  And you looked bored.

Shamus flicked his tail in acknowledgement.  True, I was.  I'm sure this'll make up for it though.

Johnny nodded his head then crawled through the space that Zacky had made, jumping down to the floor.  The younger Werewolf slithered in behind him and looked toward the bed where Pierre was straining against his bonds. think those're gonna hold?

Zacky bristled at Shamus' tone.  "Whoever the hell you are, yes.  They'll hold.  We're not stupid."

Johnny stepped in fur bristling at his throat.  He never said you were.  This is Shamus, Pat's half brother, but that's really not-

"Yeah, yeah...okay.  Not important."  Zacky cut him off sharply before looking to the bed.  Pierre had slumped down on the mattress his big body relaxed for the time being.  "Any idea what we need to do about Bouvier?"

Not sure.  But, we need to get him out of here. Johnny frowned closing his eyes for a moment.  Then they snapped open again and he growled softly.  Shads has an idea...wants us to bring him back to our bus. 

Zacky grumbled and turned to the bed; The Rev was already at the head detaching the chains from the board.  Pierre groaned but made no move to retaliate.  The younger male appeared somewhat sedated, a groggy expression in his eyes.

Shamus yipped in curiosity, Did you drug him?

The Rev cast a sour glance at the younger Lycan.  "You can't drug vampires."


"No.  But, you can knock their central control out a little.  It's not a drug...more like...mind control." The Rev grasped the ends of the bike chain whilst supporting Pierre's weight against his shoulder.  He nudged the younger male's mind with his own whilst speaking in a low voice.  "C'mon, Bouvier...shake a leg."

Pierre's lip curled faintly as he attempted to straighten his frame, but he was finding it difficult to stand.  The Rev clucked his tongue and slapped him firmly on the shoulder.  A jolt of energy shot through Pierre's body, and his eyes blazed suddenly.

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