"Yay! I Can't Wait for a New School Year!!" is how your parents "expect" you to react towards the end of the summer.
Not This Girl. Or should any teen really...
No this isn't some pathetic "highschool" story with the popular girls, the new girl outcast, the football crush, and those other pathetic cliches. Well...perhaps a little..but don't worry, This is My Life with an...interesting turn of events...
It all started before lunch...*Go On! Picture This: A 5'6 Nerdy Lookin' 16 year old girl is strolling through the empty hall ways, with her headphones listening to her Ipod, in the most boring boarding school uniform imaginable.*
"...Maybe We'll turn it all around not to late...it's Never to Laate~" Danie sung 3DG songs to herself as she strolls to her locker.
Not that she's anti-social, she has a few friends...but she isn't into the crowd of nonesence she likes to call the cafeteria. She would rather just get ready for her next class. One thing to NEVER do is to bother someone in the zone of listening to emotional songs. Yet there's always that ONE person.
Danie reaches for her books after she opens her locker to be greeted by a "pleasant" surprise.
She recieves two light pinches by her waist making her jump and squeal all at once."Well hi there stranger! 😂"
A cheeky smile brightens on a teenage boy with the same uniform, but with a snazzy tie."Shane?! What did I tell you about sneaking up on me like that!! 😡"
Danie waves her arms rapidly."Chill Out!! I just wanted to check up on you, it's like you want to be alone.." he replies. "I was just...worried about you..."
*I know what your probably thinking: "New Loooove Interest?" "I don't care if this is the first chapter I SHIP IT like FEDEEEXXXX!!!" Well,...I say continue with the story...and we'll see how "that" goes...*
"...Eh...Thanks I-I'm sorry I yelled i just.." Danie tried to respond but just wasn't in the mood she normally is today.
"I get transitioning to a new school is..tough..but please stop isolating yourself...and come to the cafeteriaaaa!!" Shane shakes Danie's hips left and right playfully. And in a matter of seconds she started to laugh.
"Stop being such a doofus...😂" she giggled.
Shane laughs. "Never in a thousand years..😜" he replies with a goofy face and winks.
Shane grabs Danie's arm and locks it with his. As they head through the cafeteria a whisper flew past Danie's ears. But she failed to notice as the raging cluster of obsessive conversations drown it out.

Amethyst: New Generation
FantasíaDon't you all love the lives of teen superheroes who go through a regular boring life, get super powers, and save the world? SuperHeroes who always gets the girl or lost a beloved family member? Yeaaaa~ hehe...this is none of that. Well...I mean kin...