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We looked around the ruins of the fells church. We had come here so that Klaus and Elijah could see Katherine. Bella Sat on my lap waiting for Klaus and rose to come. Klaus had taken my sister hunting. We still had to go but Bella said we would go later. The sacrifice was tonight so she needed her strength. Klaus and rose arrived and rose's eyes sparkled. She squealed and hugged Carlisle."dad it's true. You can drink human blood without killing them and then heal them and make them forget. " Carlisle hugged her and nodded at Klaus.
Bella smiled and kissed me getting up. She sauntered over to Klaus and their entire demeanor changed. They both had an evil glint in their eyes. Elijah approached us and looked over to them. "you both remember that we do not have to kill her right? " The two in question smiled evilly and said, "not yet " and winked at each other. Elijah shook his head and smirked. Rose looked at Klaus wide eyed. He just smiled at her. Bella moved down with us on her heels. Klaus and Elijah remained hidden. "well well look whos here" Katherine mocked as Bella stood outside the tomb. "and lookey you turned your mates into traditionals. Wow you have been busy. "Bella smirks and says. "not enough to forget you, my sweet dear katerina. I come bearing gifts. " Bella said mockingly. Katherine flinched at the name and glared at Bella. "gifts? " Bella raised and eyebrow and nodded smiling. "actually old friends. " and with that Elijah and Klaus made themselves known. Katherine gasped and moved back. "Elijah. Klaus. " Klaus smiled saying in a taunting way. "hello love. " while Elijah simply looked at her and said. "good to see that you have the sense to be afraid. You didn't think you would escape us after going after bella's happiness and her new family, did you?" Katherine gulped and stepped back. Bella smirked and stepped in between Elijah and Klaus. "well as much as we would love to torture you, our mates have a good View of us which we dint want to spoil. Now be a good girl and stay in this tomb till we come to sacrifice you. You have ended up exactly where you were 500 years ago. Just this time no one is saving you. "
And with that Bella dragged us out followed by Klaus and Elijah. The three shared a glance and smirked.


Bella had her head on my chest and her hand on back pocket as we walked around the town. Bella led us to a secluded area. Four men were drinking at the side of the road. Bella motioned towards them. "choose one. Compel them to stay quiet by looking into their eyes. Don't break the gaze during the compulsion and then let your face change and feed. " she said. Jasper moved first and compelled the man to stay still. We watched as jasper bit in. Bella's expression was proud and lustful as she stared at Jasper. He finished feeding and turned to Bella. The man was alive and looking terrified but calm. I understood that jasper must be using his gift. Bella walked up to him and bit her wrist feeding the man before compelling him to forget. She then turned and kissed jasper licking the blood off his lips. "goodness blood never tasted that good. " she moaned. Jasper smirked and nuzzled her neck. She motioned us forward. Edward and Emmett followed jasper and successfully finished feeding. I was a bit hesitant. "what if I can't control it?" I whispered. Bella smiled and ran her fingers through my hair. "don't worry babe. I am here for you my love. We all are. " she said hugging me from behind. I sighed leaning back slightly. She smiled and came up in front of me hugging my waist and led me forward. The last man lay sedated due to jasper's power. I approached him and followed what my sons had done before biting into his neck. I felt the blood run down my throat easing the craving. After I felt full I pulled back successfully without any effort or craziness and erased his memories. I turned towards Bella who licked my lips as she had done with each of my sons and kissed me. "I am so proud of you baby. All of you. You did so good. " she said her voice acquiring a sultry quality to it. I growled followed by similar growls from my sons as we backed her into the alley and proceeded to fuck our mate against the alley wall.

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