Entry One

18 5 0


Dear diary,

Sometimes I'm just too happy and crazy and stuff because the world just stays like how it is.

Yes Mother Earth!!! You're staying just like you are!!! Well done my dear mother...

Okay... Wait. I forgot what I need to write down. I was just texting Beauty...

Oh yeah, yeah. Okay, so like I said, sometimes I'm like so cool with everything because the world just stay like how it is. Like, I know that this insane world isn't perfect and all but I'm pretty cool of having to grow old. Or less creepy, how we age. But the world can be so unfair most of the time. Like, why?! Just why?! Why the heck do we age too quickly?!?!  This so doesn't make sense. In fact, it doesn't make sense why I'm in love with poop emoji. Why am I changing this stupid subject anyway?

Oh my friend just texted me a poop, squeezed eyes, thumbs up emoji. Right.

Beauty is that stupid Ms.Who-acts-as-if-she-is-my-mummy-a-lot. But there's one thing I'm kind of jealous about her. She can be annoying MOST of the time, but for the rest, I guess she acts kind enough. That's why I think, right now, I should change her name to Ms. Who-acts-as-if-she-is-my-lovely-mummy-a-lot. Phew, long name. Okay, so I'm saying she's acting but like, SHE IS NOT!!! Believe me or not, SHE IS JUST NOT.

Anyway, Beauty is texting me, so gotta go!

Just a moment Beauty...

By the way, I think I'm turning 16. ACTUALLY, I KNOW I'M TURNING 16!!! I know like I'm stupid like a baby because I have a diary, but I feel like I want to be an author one day. If I couldn't, I can be an illustrator instead. So, you know, I need this book to practice and all. This journal doesn't even have line papers inside and I'm just drawing lines as I go. 

I'm wasting my time, beauty has given me 15 text messages already. BYE!!! As if I'm talking to someone... anyway, I think I'll right more soon.

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