Liam Is Dead

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Chapter 11

I sat in my sisters room on her bed. I've been in here for the past two hours trying to figure out an escape plan. Nothing's come to me yet. Just memories of Tammy and I swirling around in my mind. I find myself either laughing, smiling, or crying.

I feel like an emotional wreck but I can't be. I need to keep my mind clear and focused. Though I can't. The image of my mother stabbing Tammy flashes bright when ever I close my eyes. Tears fell down my face. She was only eighteen. She hadn't even got to hold her unborn child in her arms nor did the child get to take its first breathe into the world. How could a mother be so cruel? How is the image of a kingdom more important than your own daughter? It makes no sense. If I was queen and my daughter was with child by something other than a vampire, I wouldn't care! I'd see the child as a blessing not an abomination.

My hands turned into fists in my lap. I'll get my revenge for the both of them I swear. I wiped away my tears and focused my mind on an escape plan. Though it was hard to concentrate fully. My head felt weird but I pushed myself to ignore it. I sat there for about another hour when finally it clicked. When little Tammy and I used to play in the secret passage ways of the castle. Not even mother knows of them and never will. A smile formed on my lips. What an adventure this shall be. I got up and looked for some new clothes to wear. I stripped out of whatever I was wearing into a clean pair of undergarments and fresh clothes. I was lucky enough to stumble upon a nice pair of shoes. I'm surprise my mom hasn't thrown my sisters clothes away.

Once I was fully dressed I looked everywhere for a hair tie. I finally found one under the bathroom sink. I splashed cold water on my face right after I tied my long hair into a high ponytail. I was feeling quite energized and excited. I walked back in the bedroom and grabbed a black backpack from Tammy's closet. I grabbed a couple pairs of clothing and stuffed them inside.

It's getting dark out so I gotta hurry. Now for food. I closed my eyes and listened out. Everyone seems to be sleeping. Perfect. A smile spreads on my face as I slung the backpack on my shoulders.

I stepped out my sisters room and tip toed all the way to the kitchen.

Once inside the kitchen I went straight to the fridge. No need for lights since I can see in the dark. I went to the fridge and took out about four bottles of blood. I found some water bottles in the pantry. Now food wise I didn't get much. Just a couple slices of bread, chips, apples, and cookies. I walked over to the place where the knives were and took out six of the sharpest. I wrapped them all in tinfoil and carefully put them in a plastic bag and in my backpack. I double check to make sure everything was set nicely inside.

When all was perfectly neat I zipped it up and stood to leave. A small gasp made me whirl around. The maid I punched looked at me in shock. She turned ready to bolt but my words stopped her.

"You go and wake my mother to report my escape to her I'll kill you right now." I said through clutched teeth."Go to your room and let them find out of my escape by morning."

She bowed without looking at me," Yes princess."

I went back to focusing on my mission as I walked out the kitchen, down the hall, and to the library I used to spend hours in reading my life away. No one really came in here but Tammy and I. I headed over to the bookshelf to the right of the room and gazed over the books. My hand lifted up and pulled on a large thick green book. The bookshelf shook and silently opened. I listened out once more to hear for any signs of movement in the house. Nothing. I quietly slipped inside and walked down the tunnel. The door automatically closed behind me. I walked about twenty minutes before I found the door that's out in the woods area. I reached above my head and unlocked the metal door. It groaned as I pushed it open. I stuck my head out and looked around. I better hurry. There isn't much sunlight left in the sky. I pulled myself up and out.

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