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Chapter 13

After everything settled down with Liam's return him and Lestat went to have a talk with Rex. Once Grace and I were alone she seemed on edge about something. I walked up to her and mustered up the courage.


"Yes?" She asked hesitantly.

"H-how is Lizze?" Tears began to pour down her face. My heart sank down to my feet. I knew that look.

"She's safe and sound with her parents. She uh held on as long as possible. The venom did something to her. I-I-I had to shoot my grand baby. The venom turned her into one of those things. I held her in my arms as I sang her a lullaby. Her eyes slowly closed as she carried the melody of the lullaby to heaven. She wrote you a letter. Well I did but she told me what to write through mind link." She took out a white envelope from the back pocket of her jeans and handed it to me. I opened it and with shaky fingers I slipped out a yellow red lined paper. I unfolded it and began to read.

Dear Vidia,

I've come to terms that I'm going to die. There's no beating around the bush. I do wish I had more time to get to know you. I know we would of been the best of friends. You may not know it but you're my idol. I was different and I thought that was bad, until you came along. You showed me it's okay to be different. To stand out and be unique. I should of realized that I'm special and I shouldn't care what others think. I may not be able to speak to everyone about accepting yourself completely but I know you can and will. I was a very unhappy fourteen year old until a pretty cool hybrid walked into my life. Thank you Vidia for everything. Don't be sad okay? You now have another guardian angel looking down upon you. Don't grieve over my death but celebrate that I lived long enough to meet such an amazing person.

Love always,

Elizabeth ♡

I couldnt stop the tears the raced down my face. My heart was split in two. I know she doesn't want me to grieve but she was so young and had so much life ahead of her to live. Now that's two people I loved taken from me.

"W-will there be a ceremony? I'm not sure what wolves do."
Elizabeth deserves one.

"Later today there will be a ceremony. We can't do it at night like tradition. Rex is afraid it'll attract the attention of the blue demons so we'll do it just as the sun sets," she explained in a whisper.

"Can we do one for one more person?"

"One more person?" She asked looking confused.

More tears that I had tried holding in fell down my face," My big sister. She was Liam's mate. But my mother killed her cause the child she held inside of her would ruin the kingdom. She erased all my memories once she noticed I had watch her murder my sister and her baby. I'd been going for years without the of her but I was still grieving. I just didn't know that at the time. I'd always wake up snuggled in her bed. Now that I have all my memories back, I want my revenge. So does Liam. Well come up with a plan after the ceremony if the guys haven't already."

"Sweetie I'm so sorry for your loss and that you had to witness that. Now I see why my son was gone for so long. I know what it's like to lose a mate. All of us change with the loss of a mate. Some for the better or some for the worst. Since it was my grand baby I'll be doing the ceremony. I'll inform Rex that we'll be doing a ceremony for two."

A huge smile grew across my face.

"Thank you," I said giving her a bear hug. The sound of a throat being cleared caused is to release each other. I looked over to see Lestat standing in the doorway of the study room we are currently occupying.

"I need to speak with Vidia." Grace smiled at my and gently patted my arm.

"I've got a ceremony to put together so I'll leave you two alone." She said stepping out the room.

He walked over to me and grabbed my hands.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. I promise." I lied with ease.

He looked as though he didn't believe my words. But he didn't push the matter.

"What happened to you while you were gone?"

"A lot." I said even barely above a whisper. He sighed heavily and wrapped me in his arms. His head leaned down and rested on my shoulder.

"I've missed you," he whispered in my ear. A shiver rolled down my spine. My core began to heat up. Just those three words and the way his husky voice spoke low in my ear had me feeling like a cat in hear.

Vidia, this is not the time for naughty thoughts, I reminded myself.

"I've missed you too," I whispered back. I meant my words. I know him and I haven't spent much time together but after all that's happened so far I feel a bit closer to him. It a feeling between like and love. If that is even possible.

His lips grazed my neck, teasing my like a feather. The room suddenly felt hot. My nipples grew hard as my center grew wet. I felt his teeth gently grasp the skin on my neck where my weak spot it. My legs decided to become jelly but Lestat caught me before I could collapse to the ground.

"I'm sorry I can't hold it back anymore," he whispered huskily. Can't hold back wha- a moan of bother pleasure and pain escaped my mouth as he sunk his teeth into my neck. He lifted me up by my waist and wrapped my legs around his. As he bit and sucked on my neck I was grinding my core on his rising bulge without even noticing. I've never experienced something like this before. While everyone else was losing their virginity I was keeping mine safe and locked up. I'm kinda scared to lose it. I hear its painful.

I hadn't even realized I was undressing Lestat till he gently grabbed my hands.

He shook his head,"Not today. I want it to be special and I don't think you're ready yet. But one day my sweet. I promise you that."

He softly kissed my forehead and hugged me tight.

"So exactly why did you bite my neck? N-not that I didn't enjoy it. It was quite mind blowing. I mean I dry humping you and tak-.You know what I think I'll just shut up now" I said staring his shirt covered chest. My cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"It was to show everyone that you are mine," he answered as he slipped his forefinger under my chin to lift my face up to his. He gave me a quick peck to the lips."I didn't like the way the inmates young pups were looking at you. My wolf instincts were kicking into over drive. I wanted to rip their heads off the way they looked at you but I thought what better to bit you and claim what's mine."

His words shot down to my core. I could feel myself grow wetter. I watched as his nostrils flexed.

"I can smell your juices from here. Why don't you go take a cold shower before the ceremony?" He suggested."I know I need one."

I blushed as I accident my bumped into his bulge.

"Y-yeah that's a great idea." I grabbed my backpack before I ran out the room. I found the room I had previously been using and took a long cold shower. By the time I got out I felt better. When I walked back into the bedroom there was a black dress and a matching set of undergarments on the bed. I smiled as I dropped the towel and dressed. The dress was perfect. Felt like a second skin. In the back was a little slit for my tail to go through.

Just as I walked out the room I saw Grace walking down the hallway.


"The only thing I'm missing are shoes." I replied looking down at my bare feet.

"You won't need those dear." She chuckled."Come,come, it's almost time for the ceremony."

As we walked out the house people began to whisper. Not all were pleasant. I heard a few females call me whore. They're lucky they're little ones around. I would show them a few tricks that my fists can do. Grace steered me to the front of the whole pack.

We walked up onto a little stage as a few other families gathered in with the crowd. As soon as Rex stepped on stage everyone grew silent.

"Tonight we will have a ceremony for not one but two people," his voice boomed. Everyone immediately began to talk."SILENCE! My mother will explain."

He stepped to the side as Grace took his place. She stood tall with her head held high.

"This ceremony is for two people who left us too soon. The first person y'all know was my grand baby , Elizabeth. Now the second person would of been my daughter-in-law but was sadly murdered by her own mother. She was going to bore my first grandchild. Tonight whether you knew them or not, we shall celebrate the time they had here. I don't wanna hear nothing negative tonight. Please. Just positive things. I'm sure you'd want the same if you lost a brother, sister, mother, anyone you hold close to your heart."

Before the sunset we said a prayer then walked inside for a feast. After desert I went to bed wrapped in Lestat's arms. I cried against his chest till I couldn't no more. With the soft words of a lullaby in my ear I gradually fell asleep.

Now it's time to kick ass and get revenge, was my last thought before I dived head first into darkness.


So to set the mood at the beginning of the chapter I went on YouTube and listened to some Beethoven and other great pianists to put as much emotion as I could. I legitimately cried. But enough of the sadness, it's time for revenge!!! WOOT. Time to kick some ass! HAZA! Can't wait to beat some ass *does a weird dance* okay okay I'll stop xD

I hope you guys enjoyed this chappy. Sorry if it sucked ._. Well imma go cause I gotta put my nephew to bed, hope and pray I can still take a shower without people being assholes aaaand hoping I don't lose it and fucking kill my bro in law -_- well g-g-good night y'all! *cue looney tunes ending theme song* x'D love you guys ciao!


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