I do love you, just not like that

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It was years ago that you first came to meet Jiyong. Honestly, it was an accident altogether, him bumping into you after you came back from your niece her wedding, getting his hot coffee all over your nice dress. Jiyong, of course, felt extremely bad about it, how could he not? The dress was clearly expensive and had looked so pretty on you. So, he let it clean for you. Inviting you for coffee to return the dress and to say that he was very sorry for spilling the coffee over you. That day the two of you came to talk, a conversation that lasted for hours on end until the cafe closed and you really had to go. You and he met up many times after that and as you started working in a restaurant he came to have dinner every night. He truly was one of your best friends, someone who you could fall back on whenever it was needed. Someone who knew most of your secrets but would never judge you for anything. That is what Jiyong was to you. He always treated you like the most important person in this world whenever he was with you and could anyone really blame you for falling for him? For developing a crush on him? Who could not fall for his innocent smile and eyes, his cute gestures and his kind words? You knew that you were in the so-called 'friend zone' for now, how could Jiyong even feel the same way about you when he goes out on (blind)dates every so ofter, ranting about the girl of the date the moment he got to your house that same night. It wasn't like you didn't want him to be happy, but you couldn't help yourself from being jealous.
You let out a small sight as you cleaned off the table, your shift would almost end and there was still no sign of Jiyong, which was weird as it was Saturday and he would always drop by on Saturdays, he worked until late and didn't want to be bothered by cooking after a long day of work. After checking yourself out of work, you pulled your hair down from the messy knot that it was in for the last eight hours. You sat down at a table next to the window, looking outside to the dark evening sky of this cold February. Snow was still sticking to the ground, but it wasn't as bad anymore as it was the weeks before. You gasped when you felt cold hands land in front of your eyes, touching your warm cheeks. "Yah! Jiyong your hands are ice-cold!" You complained. "How did you even know that it was me?" "Because you did this many times before, I know you, Ji." You pointed out, scooting a bit more to the window so he could sit down next to you on the couch. "Were you waiting for me? Your shift ended 15 minutes ago. I thought that you would have gone home." "And missing the opportunity to talk to my best friend who has been crazy busy?" He smiled, that amazing smile that gave you all the wrong feelings. Especially since you were pretty sure that he would never smile at you as if you were the love of his life. Though, one can hope. "Did you eat yet (Y/N)?" He asked while looking through the menu, you shook your head and he ordered for the both of you. Choosing your favorite dish to eat. And that's how you two started talking again. It was like you hadn't seen each other in a year though it was just yesterday that you last saw him. With that, the two of you texted pretty much all day, making sure the other was perfectly okay. "So, I'm going on a second date with her." Jiyong finished his story, drinking some water after that. You couldn't lie to yourself, this whole situation did, in fact, make you jealous. "What? But didn't you say that she wasn't your type at all when you finished your first date with her?" "She kind of grew on me I guess, she is actually a really interesting person and I think that she and you could be friends as well." You puffed up your cheeks, being friends with someone who steals away Ji from you? As if. He poked your cheek, smiling at how you puffed out all the air at once. "What? You don't have a good feeling about it?" You shook your head. "Why?" "Maybe because almost everything you told me about her was negative until now? You didn't sound fond of her at all and I don't think that is a good sign." He ruffled your hair. "Are you sure that's it? Is it not just because I would spend less time with you when I get a girlfriend?" You blushed looking away from him slightly, before punching his arm. "Yah! What kind of person do you think I am?" He chuckled knowing that he was right by your reaction. "Don't worry (Y/N)-ah, no one will ever come between our friendship. I won't forget about you even if I get a girlfriend." He said, patting your head softly after that. It were not the words that you wanted to hear at all, but, at least, it was something that showed his affection towards you and that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I do love you, Just not like that (2-shot) (G-Dragon) {BigBang} Where stories live. Discover now