Chapter 4

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"SEBASTIAN?!" I couldn't believe it! How could I be so stupid! I practically showed him where I lived. Now I'm kidnapped and alone with this psycho that I couldn't even stay in a car with without hyperventilating!

"Oh Kristen how nice it is to see your face again." Sebastian said coming towards my direction. The look on his face told me that he was enjoying this situation. I mean, he could do anything to me right now and I am powerless to stop him. I scrunched my face up in disgust.

"Stay away from me you freak." I shouted at him backing up into the far corner. My heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest. The frantic beating pulsing in my ears as my eyes stayed glued to my kidnappers evil smirk.

"Scream, I know you want to. You're stuck here regardless, you see, we're mates, I'm a vampire, and you're sexy. Did I miss anything?" His smirk grew into a genuine smile making my heart beat even faster. What am I feeling? He's my kidnapper for Christ's sake. Think Kristen, think. Wait, did he just say vampire?!





He's obviously delusional so he shouldn't be that hard to out smart. Feeling a new burst of courage I stepped away from the wall getting in his face. I felt his breath on my lips sending me into a trance. Just one kiss tha- NO KRISTEN, THINK!

I thought of something, I bit my lip making his eyes drawn to them. "Yeah you missed the part where I...MARVINS HOT, JUICE BOX!" I screamed.

"Wha- AH!"

I ran towards the door swinging it open. I looked back at Sebastian on the ground holding his 'jewels' where I had just jammed my knee. He was murmuring incoherent curse words, his face red. A voice inside my head told me that it'd be good to take off right about now.

Running, I hated it. I was never really sporty and I never wanted to be. I never had time for sports.

Where did this guy live? I mean for real, there were so many halls and doors I didn't know where to even start.

This was unfair to me, he was on familiar territory. But I guess taking your victim to a place she knew was against the 'Kiddnapping Rulebook.'

I slowed to a jog and entered into one of the rooms, it was in some kind of game room. There were bean bags and a basketball court. Not to mention all of the gaming devises hooked up to the wall sized flat screen. Stupid rich people.

 I hid under a lard red bean bag. My breathing was erratic, and my heart was still beating faster than it ever had in my entire life. The air I breathed in quickly got hot, and a suffocating feeling washed over me. What if he doesn't even come after me? I though. I'll be here for hours!

~Sebastian's Pov~

 I got up off the floor slowly massaging my balls. Oh, she sure was feisty, I loved it. I lifted my head and sniffed the air, she's in the game room, I can hear her heart beating, stupid human. I smirked and went to sit at my desk. I'll just wait until she comes out of hiding.


Several minutes later...

 I flipped to the next page of the large and old book I had been reading to pass the time when suddenly I heard what sounded like beans in a bean bag moving. Kristen must be getting up. Didn't take her very long. Time to have some fun.

*Kristen's Pov*

I must have hid under that heavy bean bag for an hour! Am I not important enough to chase after? Damn him.

 I'm hungry, I wonder if he has a kitchen.. well of course he does, stupid me. I left out the door I had entered earlier and took a right down the large hallway. Maybe if I keep taking rights I'll end up in a kitchen.


"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I screamed, frustrated. I fell flat on my back and stared up at the ceiling. I was utterly lost. I must have taken 20 right turns and even a few left, these hallways never end.

"Maybe I shouldn't have yelled so loudly, even though I am lost I still don't want that creep to find me." I stated out loud. "Creep? I only see a handsome devil and his prey."

 Jumping up on my feet like a ninja (Yes, a ninja) I turned around to face none other than Sebastian. He didn't look mad, he looked.. cocky. As usual. I rolled my eyes and walked passed him to retrace my steps. "Where's your kitchen creeper?" I walked on for a few more seconds and when he didn't answer I turned around only to come face to face -well face to chest- with him. What the heck? I didn't even hear him move!

 He leaned in close to my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. "Don't make me angry, Kristen." And with that he walked off motioning for me to follow him. I scowled and did as he wanted me to. I'm starting believe that what he said he was is actually the truth.

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