Chapter 22: Shout. But No One Hears.

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Chapter 22: Shout. But No One Hears.

So, I'm back in Brooklyn. I couldn't stay away, what can I say? Or is it vice versa?

My foot is tapping like crazy as we pass the familiar place I use to call home with Lynnea. Oh, and Noah too.

3... 2... 1...

We stop in front of the apartment I use to share with two other people not too long ago. I'm about to run out and beat down on the door from excitement and then tackle Lynnea to the ground while telling her how much I've missed her but, Bruno gently touches my shoulder. I look at him. "Don't try to kill her when you go get her okay?" Smirking, I say. "There's no guarantees." I run out of the car and hop up the steps. I daintily knock on the door and it opens immediately. Lynnea looks at me and we don't say anything because we're just two happy little peas in a pod trekking off to paradise.

Then out of no where we shriek with happiness in unison. It was really late and we were pretty loud to the point where the neighbors started turning on their lights. Lynnea and I laugh quietly, while we quickly make our way to the car, me grabbing her things. I cram her bag into the full trunk and climb inside sitting in front next to Bruno. While Lynnea sits in the back with Phil. "Is everyone buckled up?" Bruno asks. We all nod and he drives off towards the airport.

Where is everyone else, you might ask? Well, we all had to take multiple cars up to the airport because not everyone can fit in one car. But back to the issue at hand.

"How are you feeling?" Bruno whispers to me. I put my index finger over my lips indicating for him to hush. Lynnea and Phil were talking quietly and I wanted to hear what they were saying. Bruno chuckles and keeps his eyes on the road. I strain my ears and tried listening to them.

"Hi, I'm Phil, I'm a good friend of Bruno's and I'm part of the band." Phil whispers.

"It's nice to meet you Phil, I'm Lynnea, Blaise's good friend. You guys are band? I just thought that you guys were just some random people who just play your instruments and nothing more." Lynnea says.

I hear Phil chuckle, and Bruno looks at me raising his eyebrows while smiling. He's listening in on them too. "Yeah, we all are pretty random. But it's common for us not to be recognized. But we're more than just a group of guys that play instruments and make music. We're a family."

Bruno smiles and so do I. He looks at me and mouthes. "He likes her." I shake my head at him and mouth back. "He doesn't even know her yet." Bruno smiles and whispers. "Trust me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I guess I never thought of it that way." Lynnea replies.

"Don't apologize. Just next time, don't refer to us as a band." Phil says in a teasing tone. Lynnea just laughs.

They stay silent the rest of the ride. I scoot over closer to Bruno and he instinctively wraps his right arm around me, squeezing my waist. He leans down a little ways, his eyes still on the road. "Phil is gonna make her fall in love with him by the end of this trip. You just wait and see." Bruno whispers into my ear as quietly as he can. "How long are we gonna be visiting?" I whisper back. He mouthes out. "One week." I nod and rest my head back on his chest.

Woah. I finally just got hit by reality. But it does sound kind of dumb.

What if Phil is Lynnea's only exception.

Weird. Favorite song reference.


I just remembered. Lynnea doesn't like planes. Not planes in general, but being high up in the air.

We sit in our terminal as people start loading our essentials before we can get on. Lynnea sits there calm as can be on the outside, when I know for sure there's a terrified little girl on the inside trying to break free from her confines and flee home to wallow up in her home, curling into a ball under the covers while she sings herself to sleep. Okay, maybe it's not as melodramatic, but you get my point. She's masking her uneasiness about being in the air.

She finds me watching her and shakes her head while her mouth is set in a hard line. "Sorry." I say. Lynnea gives me a small smile to let me know she can get through it. Bruno and Phil come back from wherever and sit next to me and Lynnea. Bruno on my right, Lynnea to my left, with Phil to her left. Perfect seating arrangement. I look at Bruno. "Can we talk privately for a minute?" I say innocently. He smiles and nods while grabbing my hand and getting up himself. "We'll be back." I address Lynnea and Phil. They smile and nod at us and we walk far away from them.

"What's up?" Bruno asks. "Nothing. I just wanted Lynnea and Phil to be alone. This is so exciting! What if Phil is Lynnea's only exception? Her kind of perfect?" I realize I'm quoting my two favorite love songs, besides Bruno's songs, and that I'm getting excited over something that may or may not be true. Bruno chuckles. "You are so adorable you know that?" I blush while giggling. Bruno leans down and kisses my lips. I can feel my legs go all jelly but Bruno steadies me and I wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles as he moves his lips against mine, slow. He mostly kisses me slow, but i like it, it feels like the world goes in slow motion, melting away leaving just us to enjoy our moment, and blocking out any distractions, like our flight being called. Our flight is being called. It's being called.

Right now.

I pull away and I grab Bruno's hand as we hurry back to our terminal. We make it back just in time and I see Lynnea and Phil getting there tickets scanned heading onto our private plane. Lynnea gestures towards me letting me know she has my bag. She gives me and Bruno's ticket, we get them scanned and walk with them. "Where is everyone else?" I ask Phil. "They're already on the plane. They didn't want to wait for you two." Phil answers. I smirk to myself, how nice of them.

We get on the plane and I sit next to Bruno and Phil sits next to Lynnea across from us. Again, perfect seating arrangement. We don't have a separate place to ourselves so we just sit with the rest of the band in the same compartment. Lynnea sits next to a window, not a really good idea since she doesn't like being in planes. I reach over and close the window for her. "Thank you." She says, her body was all tensed up and she was very still. Phil looks at her. "Are you okay?" he asks softly. Lynnea exhales and nods. Phil lays his hand on hers and I see her relax a little. She turns to face him. "I'm fine really. Just a little shaky thats all." He gives her a warm smile and rubs the back of her hand gently.

I realize I'm staring at them and turn towards Bruno. He looks a me immediately, indicating he was staring at them too. He gives me an I told you so look and I just roll my eyes. We take off into the air and Lynnea comes back to normal. Her and Phil start to talking, getting to know each other better and making jokes. Bruno and I stay silent watching them and laughing every now and then. Bruno pulls at my hand and I look away from the two people in front of me. He nods off towards the back basically telling me to go with him. I nod and we silently make our way to the back. Lynnea and Phil don't notice because they're so engulfed in each other.

Bruno slides the door closed to the separate compartment behind us. "We're going to be stopping within a couple of hours and hop on another plane." Bruno tells me I nod as I make my way over to a seat, sitting down. He comes and joins me. "I haven't kissed you in awhile until not too long ago. I missed the feel of your lips moving against mine." As he says this his mouth comes down onto mine without any remorse. My breathing hitches and this makes Bruno smile.

He pulls away short and looks at me. "Sleep, you need to rest." He tells me. I shake my head. "No, I'm not really that tired." Of course when I say this I yawn and Bruno isn't convinced. He makes me curl up next to him and he wraps his arms around me tightly. I close my eyes and don't try to fight my sudden fatigue. I was tired but I couldn't fall asleep. I sit up and look at Bruno. "I can't sleep, I'm tired but I can't fall asleep." Bruno looks at me concerned. "What's going through your mind?"

"Nothing." I tell him. He smiles. "Would you like for me to sing you to sleep?" He asks me while touching my cheek. I nod while smiling. "Any requests?" He asks before starting. "One of my two favorite songs that aren't yours." He thinks on this for a minute. I'd be ecstatic if he knew My Kind of Perfect.


***Bruno's POV***

Blaise wants me to sing her to sleep. I'm trying to recall the lyrics to her two favorite songs. Then it hits me. I lay her head down onto my chest and she curls back up next to me and I start to sing.

And I know, I know, she's gotta be out there, out there, I know, I know, she's gotta be...

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, maybe I'll just let you walk by, what can I say? maybe I've known you all my life,

Is she the one,
Is it today,

Will I turn the corner,
See my future in a beautiful face, maybe...

I stop there and see she's sound asleep already. I wonder how I sounded singing such a soft song like that. I hope Blaise liked it, I know how much she loves those cheesy love songs, and I'll admit it too, I like some of them also. Plus, I surprised myself with knowing that much of the song.


I didn't fall asleep, I didn't want too. I just sat there with the love of my life curled up in my arms. She looked so young and angel like when she sleeps. Her face, so relaxed and her breathing, nice and steady. I rest my cheek against her head and close my eyes. My mind drifts towards Lynnea and Phil. To be honest, I never seen Phil be so gentle and caring towards another woman. He acted different around Lynnea. Maybe Blaise is right, what if Phil is her only exception? Her kind of perfect? Or vice versa? And if that is the case would Lynnea come and live with Phil or would she stay in Brooklyn? Or more importantly would she actually be willing to love someone again?

Maybe I'm thinking this out too much. So I turn my attention back to Blaise. Then the questions start rolling in again. What if Blaise fell in love once but she got hurt really bad that now she's afraid to love me? If that's the case, then why did she move in with me? Shit. I got to stop worrying about these things, I have other things to worry about. Like my music and when I'm gonna tell Blaise I love her. Hopefully a little vacation will get my mind off of things.

I swear, I sound like a girl sometimes.

Man, I don't know why I thought of this but, I've been searching for that one person my whole entire life. I've dated so many girls who just ended up breaking my heart. But that was the thing, I was looking for someone. I should of just let that one girl come to me. And she has. If I knew this earlier on I would have spared myself from all that heartache. If I knew one day this little angel in my arms would come.

If I knew.

Wait... That's it! I got it!

Just like that I got hit with inspiration. I start to move out of my seat to find some paper and something to write with. Then I remember Blaise curled up next to me. I move slightly, but her eyes flutter open. She yawns. "Bruno? Whats going on?" she says while rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. I was so excited. "I got it! I need some paper and a pen." Blaise looks at me confused. "What are you talking about? You got what?" she digs through her bag and hands me a small notepad and a pen. I grab them and start scribbling a bunch of lyrics together. I chew on my bottom lip and concentrate as I'm writing. I feel Blaise's eyes on me, and after I've written down as much as I can think of I look at her.

"What is wrong with you?" she asks still confused. I take her face in my hands and give her a quick kiss. "Thank you." I tell her and she just shakes her head at me. "You're welcome? Can you please tell me why you're all of a sudden excited?" I smile at her and hand her what I just wrote. She takes it and starts reading she smiles as her eyes move along the words. She looks at me happily. "What inspired you to write this?" I chuckle. "More like a who." I say as I look at her; I caress her warm cheek against the palm of my hand. She looks down her face red and hands me my lyrics back. She looks up smiling, she's about to say something but she shakes it off. "Sorry I woke you." I say to lessen the uneasiness. "It's fine. It was worth it." She looks me in the eyes.

So bad. I want to say it so bad. Right now.

But I wrap my arms around her. "Rest now, I won't wake you again. I promise." She sighs and snuggles up next to me again, her eyes slipping shut. After about of couple minutes when I know for sure she's fast asleep, I look at her and whisper those three words. I couldn't take it, I had to tell her even if she won't hear me.

"I love you." I say as quietly as I can, almost inaudible.

She moves a little then relaxes. I let out a breath, maybe she didn't hear it, but it kind of hurt that she probably wasn't able to.

At least I got to tell her.


I had a dream.

Not a dream like I'm-gonna-become-something-great dream. Like a dream you have when you sleep.

I dreamt that I was at a wedding, not like I was sitting down watching someone get married, I was the one getting married. My grandpa was there smiling, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. I felt like running up to him and hugging him, crying. But instead, I look straight ahead and see nothing. Then I'm sitting on the beach with Bruno, he's looking at me with the familiar love in his eyes. He smiles and softly whispers. "I love you." And leans in and kisses me softly. He pulls away waiting for me to say it back but I don't. He starts to shake my shoulder gently, worry filling his eyes.

Then I wake up.

"Blaise, wake up. We're landing." Bruno says as he rubs my shoulder. I blink a couple of times and focus in on his face. "Sleep well?" he asks. "Yeah, I had a weird dream though. You were in it and so was my grandpa." I smile, seeing my grandpa again made me happy. Even though it was a dream. "Were you happy?" Bruno asks as he stands me up. I stretch while nodding and yawning. "Yeah, I was really happy then I got confused." He opens his mouth to say something but, we are interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." Bruno says.

Phil comes in followed by Lynnea. "We were wondering where you two were at." Phil says, his eyes shifting from me to Bruno. "You two looked busy talking so Bruno decided for us, to give you some privacy." I tell Phil and he simply nods. "Well I just came in here to tell you we're boarding another plane." He turns towards Lynnea. "Are you ready?" he asks her and she nods. She then turns attention towards me. "Blaise can I talk to you for a minute." Bruno squeezes my hand and smiles at me. "Yeah, no problem. We'll catch up with you two in a bit." I say towards Bruno and Phil. "Don't take too long okay?" Bruno says quietly in my ear, I nod and they head out.

I grab my bag and sling it over my body. We start walking behind the boys, were a pretty good distance away so they can't hear what we are saying. Lynnea is quiet so I speak up. "I had a dream." She perks up and looks at me. "Tell me about it." She says her attention fully on me. I smile, looking down as I walk then I look up and talk basically to Bruno's back that is feet away from me. "I was getting married, my grandpa was there and he was so happy, watching me walk up the aisle. But when I looked forward it just was blank, then, all of a sudden, I'm sitting on the beach with Bruno." I pause, I'm still looking at the back of Bruno. "He said he loved me and then he waited for my reply but I didn't say anything. Then I woke up."

Lynnea is smiling. "That's a really sweet dream." She says quietly. I smile and shrug. "Yeah, it felt good to see my grandpa. Now you tell me, what's with you and Phil." I nod off towards the direction of where he's at. She starts laughing and shrugs. "I don't know, I mean, whats there to say?" I roll my eyes then scoff at her remark. "Oh I don't know, maybe you like him or you have a feeling he likes you" I look at her. "Or maybe that you've finally gotten over Noah." She winces at the sound of his name but quickly shakes it off. "I think Phil might be my hero." She says quietly while looking at the ground. I smile, wow, this is so cute yet a little funny how my best friend and Bruno's best friend like each other. "We can go on double dates!" I say with excitement. Lynnea looks at me crazy. "Woah, now. I'm not for sure he likes me, so don't go on planning or assuming things." I laugh. "Okay." Is all I say and we stay silent the rest of the walk to our terminal.

We arrive at our terminal and I watch as Bruno, Phil, and the rest of the guys talk and laugh. Lynnea and I join them and everyone tries to get me talking, it works for a little while but it doesn't last long, so I just sit and listen to them have fun. Lynnea on the other hand is making jokes and joining the conversation. Sometimes I wish I could do that, not be so shy and more open towards people.

Confidence- (n) the shit I don't have but want.


We are finally in Hawaii and I feel like utter and complete shit.

Why do I feel like utter and complete shit? Well I could give you a whole list of reasons why but I'll just give you one. Lack of sleep. I don't know about you, but to me, sleeping is very important. I live to sleep and sleep to live.

"Where are we all going to stay?" I ask Bruno as he's driving around the little island. "In a hotel of course." Bruno says smiling. I don't say anything else and just silently take in the beauty around me. Then I feel this sudden surge of curiosity. What if my parents have encountered Bruno's family when I was in the process of being born? Not like they were all good friends and lived in the same area. But possibly they made small talk at a local market. Maybe little Bruno saw my mothers swollen stomach and asked her about it. Or maybe I'm just delusional, but why do I feel like we had these certain crosshairs somehow intwined into our life?

Nope, I'm just delusional.

"Why do you think you're delusional? " Bruno asks with concern. Shit, I need to learn how to stop speaking my thoughts. I shake this off. "It's nothing, just thought out something a little to broadly." Bruno looks at me expectantly, he wants to know. Sigh. Here goes nothing. "I was thinking that maybe sometime when my parents lived here that they encountered you or your mom or dad and that in some way we basically knew each other or our parents did." Bruno purses his lips and Phil starts laughing. "Where do you come up with this stuff?" Phil asks through laughs then I hear a blow being hit from the back seat. "Ow! What was that for? I thought we we're friends." I hear Phil say. "You laughed at best friend's theory, when she deep thinks about shit it's serious shit." Lynnea scolds Phil.

I look at Bruno and he's trying really hard not to laugh. "Now apologize." Lynnea says sternly towards Phil. He sighs. "I'm sorry Blaise that I laughed at you, it was wrong of me to react that way and I respect your thoughts. Please forgive me?" I turn around and the look in his eyes are genuine. I smile and quietly say. "I forgive you." I look at Lynnea. "Shouldn't you apologize for using aggressive force?" Lynnea smirks. "Fine." She turns towards Phil. "I'm very sorry Phil, for physically putting an injury on your body. Could you ever forgive me?" I giggle at her apology and Phil smiles. "I forgive you." He says sweetly.

Bruno pulls in front of the hotel. "Lynnea and Blaise are staying in the same room. Sorry Phil." Bruno turns around and Phil snaps his fingers together. "Gosh darn it!" Lynnea and I start to laugh. "Well grab your things ladies while I get us checked in." Bruno says as he exits the car. But right before he does he leans over to me and whispers. "I'm sorry we can't have a room together, but I don't trust Phil with Lynnea just yet." I nod. "I heard that!" Phil exclaims and Lynnea covers her embarrassed face. "You were suppose to dumbass." Bruno says as he gets out.

I'm grabbing my things and Phil comes behind me. "I can't believe you're still with that ass." Phil says obviously layering on the sarcasm. I just laugh as I walk with Lynnea to the inside of the hotel. I see Bruno at the front desk and the rest of the hooligans are in the lobby, overly fascinated by a tankful of fish thats in the middle of it.

I look at Phil and he's looking off in that direction. "It's okay Phil, you can go and join them." I say. He chuckles and shakes his head. Bruno comes over and hands me and Lynnea's keys for our room. "Your room is right next to mine, so if your feeling lonely I'm right next door." He touches my cheek and goes into the lobby to get the guys attention.

Lynnea and I get to our room and settle in. Ever since I was a kid, every time we get to our hotel room I always test out the bed and just because I'm twenty one, right now is no exception. I flop onto the bed and roll around a couple of times. "What the hell are you doing Blaise?" Lynnea says as she drops her things. "Testing the bed." I get up and hop on it a couple of times. "Yep, it's comfortable alright." I flop back down on the bed and giggle loudly.

I keep laughing nonstop for awhile for no complete reason, while Lynnea looks at me like I've taken too many meds. There's a knock on our door. "Get... That... Please..." I say in between laughs towards Lynnea. She throws a pillow at me an stalks off towards the door. When she opens it, Bruno stands in the door frame and I start to laugh even more and this makes him smile. He says something to Lynnea and she nods walking out. He comes over to me and lays on top of my laughing self.

He lays horizontally on me as I'm laying vertically. I pat his back as my laughs die down temporarily. "Why are you here?" I ask as I catch my breath. "I heard your laughing and I wanted to see what was so funny." He pokes my sides which makes me giggle. He shifts his body to we're his face is just inches away from mine.

He observes me for awhile, while I do the same. His chocolate brown eyes looking into my resistible dark ones. I dislike my dark eyes but Bruno seems to love them, since he told me he does, I don't know why he likes them so much, they show no emotion.

I shrug. "I have no idea why I was laughing. Maybe I'm just tired." Bruno strokes my face with both of his hands. "I'll let you rest." He says as he gets up off of me. He's at the door and he turns around to face me before going. "Tomorrow, you're meeting the family. Don't be nervous beautiful, they're gonna love you, like everyone else you've met so far." I wave this off and just smile. He smiles back at me before exiting.

"Are you laughed out?" Lynnea says as she sits on the edge of my bed. I nod and yawn while stretching out onto the bed. "Bruno got inspired by me." I tell Lynnea finally. "To write a song?" She asks blindly. "Well duh, that's what he does, silly." I shove her playfully as I fall back down in the bed. She laughs then says. "I told you so." I raise my head up confused. "Told me what?" She didn't tell me shit about shit.

"That Bruno was going to notice you at that concert. Remember? When you were all hysterical when I drove you there and you were like 'he's not going to notice me' and I was like 'he might' but you just doubted my proved theory." I purse my lips, thinking on this. "Fine, you're right. Spare myself from using that statement."

I close my eyes but Lynnea shakes me. "Hey! I'm not done talking to you, I want to talk about me!" I blindly grab a pillow and smack her in the face. When I hear a 'umph' I smile with satisfaction. "Leave me be, I'm trying to sleep. I feel like a mashed potato right now. We'll talk once I'm fully rested." Lynnea grunts then grabs another pillow and smacks my face. "We're even." She says. I hear her flop down on her bed and sigh.

Then everything goes blank. But not for long.

I started to dream again and it picked up on where my last dream ended, that never happens.

Bruno and I are standing on the beach he just told me he loves me and kisses me, then pulls away waiting for me to say it back. But I don't, his hand touches my cheek and his eyes fill with worry and hurt. "Blaise, I love you." He says it again but I stay silent. He lets his hand fall to his side and he looks down at the sand. He looks back up and his eyes are fighting back tears and I feel my heart break. No. I think to myself. Please understand. He shakes his head and turns around starting to walk off. "Bruno!" I scream, but he either doesn't hear me or ignores it. I keep calling out to him but his silhouette starts to fade and I can't hear myself speak. I let the tears run down my cheeks. You dumb ass! You just blew it! You let him walk away! Maybe you never deserved him to begin with! I yell at myself for being so stupid. I look to my left and see my grandfather, his face filled with disappointment. I get up and try to make my way over to him but each step I take he gets farther and farther away. Shock registers on his face and he clutches his chest and collapses on the ground. I try to run but I can't move and just fall on my knees into the sand as I cry uncontrollably, screaming for my grandfather and Bruno to come back. Then everything goes blank again and I feel cold water being splashed on my face.

I come back into reality and I gasp for air as I wake up from my nightmare. Lynnea stands over me with a pail of ice water. "Blaise, calm down, everything's okay." My breathing was still heavy. "Why did you pour water on me?" I finally find my use of words. "You started to yell in your sleep and I tried shaking you to wake you up but you wouldn't. So this was my only option."

Right after she explains herself someone comes pounding on our door. "Let me in!" I hear Bruno's voice yell through the barrier of the door. Lynnea unlocks it and Bruno comes to my side. "I heard you screaming are you alright?" He takes my wet face and strokes it softly, his eyes are filled with alertness and worry.

I start to cry. "It's just- I had an awful dream. I saw my grandpa die right in front of me. I know it was just a dream but it felt so real." I choke out through my sobs, I only told him half of it because I didn't want to think about that. About Bruno leaving me.

Bruno pulls me off the bed and into his arms. I calm down and he murmurs comforting words into my ear. He plants soft kisses onto my face and strokes my wet, matted mess of hair. He picks me up and makes his way to Lynnea. "I hope you don't mind if I let Blaise sleep with me just tonight." Lynnea gives a light laugh. "It's fine. Just take care of her." She looks at me and she knows there was more to my dream that from what I've told Bruno. "We'll talk later." She says concern in the tone of her voice. I nod and Bruno takes me next door into his room.

It's was just a dream. I just need to keep telling myself that. But it felt so real.


***Bruno's POV***

I set Blaise on my bed. "I'm kind of embarrassed that I screamed in my sleep." She says plaintively. I give a light laugh. "That's all you're worried about? That people heard you?" I shake my head at her and she starts to giggle. "Okay, when you put it like that it sound ridiculous." She lays down and curls up in a ball. "It felt real Bruno thats why it scared me." I set myself beside her and rub her shoulder. She's so sensitives when she says this, I felt like there was more to her dream that she wasn't telling me. Eerie really, because somehow I had a feeling I was in it.

Or maybe I'm looking to far into this.

I make her scoot over and lay in front of Blaise. I look at her face and she looks exhausted, from the trip and from her nightmare. "Sleep." I whisper to her. Blaise shakes her head and I can see the slight fear in her eyes. Like she was going to see that dream again once she fell asleep.

"You look exhausted. Please sleep. Don't worry about your nightmare, I'm here and I promise that I'll always protect you, even if you don't want me too I always will." I coo into her ear. She lets out a breath and moves closer to my body. I stroke her back until I hear her breathing steady and know that she's asleep.

I was asleep whenever I heard her scream and I never felt so alert when I heard that come from her. Then to see her cry from a dream she felt was too real, it broke my heart and I felt like my presence and touch were not enough to fix what she had seen. But when I held her trembling body and whispered to her that I'm here for her, she relaxed and her sobs stopped. I relaxed too, I was so tense when I saw her in so much pain. To see my sweet, innocent, small, lovely little gorgeous girl in such emotional pain and fear made me worried and concerned more than ever.

I hear Blaise murmur my name. I look down and see she's in a deep sleep, her cheeks are rosy, I move my fingertips along her face and feel how warm its gotten. She's probably dreaming again and I'm probably there. I smile and kiss her forehead.

I wasn't tired, so I just held my darling and watched over her, protecting her.

May she never have bad dreams as long as I'm with her.

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