Chapter 3 I've decided

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Chapter 3 I've decided

Natsu sat bolt upright drenched in sweat  breathing heavily as he reawakened to reality. His heart raced as the  liquid dripped from his arms and his forehead combining with the tears  trailing down his cheeks.

"Father" he said unable to contain the slight  sadness he felt for his missing parent. Natsu rubbed his eyes to dry the  tears.

Natsu felt something touch his hip alarming him to look what it  was.

When suddenly a gentle voice resounded from his side.

"Are you okay  Natsu? The white haired girl said as she wiped away a left over tear by  his eye.

"Lisanna, umm yeah I'm okay." Natsu replied trying to hide it.

"Was  it that dream again?" Lisanna questioned well aware of Natsu's well  being.

Natsu didn't reply he just gave a simple nod fearing if he talked  about it he would breakdown right there and then. Natsu suddenly pulled  a surprised expression as Lisanna pulled his head towards her chest.

"It's okay, you don't have to hold it in I'm right here." She said as  she brushed her hand through his wet spiky pink hair.

Natsu closed his  eyes as the dam inside him overflowed clinging on to the one he cared  for so much. Natsu could feel immense warmth from Lisanna and great  comfort as he rested his head in her comforting chest.

"There is no  reason to be sad he's out there somewhere watching over you. And I'm  sure he is proud of how brave and strong his son has become." Lisanna  said kissing his forehead.

"Thank you Lisanna, I love you so much." Natsu held her closely.

"Yeah and I love you too my dragon prince." Lisanna replied comforting him gently until they both fell asleep.

The  next day arrived in a flash as Natsu rested peacefully the rest of the  night thanks to Lisanna's kindness. Natsu sat up starting up his body  for the morning stretching his arms out to rid them of their numbness.  Fully awake, Natsu climbed out of bed and exited the bedroom making his  way towards the stairs following the sweet aroma coming from below.

"You're open daddy!" Amy said igniting her fist as she aimed for Natsu's  head. Natsu grinned at his daughter's surprise attack and simply moved  to the side resulting in Amy missing.

"Nice try Amy, but not in the  house okay? Your mum and I both worked hard to buy our home and we can't  have it being destroyed by an energetic dragon slayer in training." Amy  smiled and replied.

"What about you daddy, I hear that you always  destroy buildings when you go on jobs."

Natsu laughed showing a  massive grin on his face.

"Well you got me there. Your daddy tends to go  overboard from time to time." Natsu replied. Natsu took Amy's hand and  walked downstairs with her. Natsu and Amy were welcomed warmly by the  rest of the family.

"Good morning Natsu, Amy."

Natsu sat across the table from Haru.

"So how has the training been going Haru?" Natsu questioned his son.

"Yeah  it's going great dad thanks to Erza I've learned how to requip a normal  sword and a flame sword so far. But she's really scary sometimes." Haru  replied with a worried look on his face as he reminisced Erza's dark  side.

"You're dad knows about that all to well Haru" Lisanna said turning away from the cooker to smile at the white haired infant.

"Both  he and Gray were always yelled at by her and she used to kick their  butts quite a lot. He always looked so cute."

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