Chapter 2 Let the training begin!

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Chapter 2 let the training begin

The colossus wooden doors of the guild hall slowly opened as the sun rose up from the horizon to welcome another day. Various people turned their heads towards the entrance as the two silver haired residents made there way inside. 

"What are we doing at the guild mum?" Haru questioned unaware of what Lisanna was planning.

"You said you wanted to get stronger to protect Amy right? Well if you want to learn how to use your sword, the best teacher for you is the very same person who gave you that sword." Lisanna said stroking her son's hair and leading the way. 

As they made there way through the guild hall, a huge fight broke out right in front of them. "You bastard, I'll kill you for stepping on my precious strawberry cake!" Erza said kicking Elfman Lisanna's older brother in the chest in a firing rage. Elfman soared through the air crashing into the table behind him. 

"Miss Erza is scary mum." Haru said hugging closely to Lisanna.

"Don't worry Haru, you know Erza is a nice lady." Lisanna said comforting him as they walked closer to her. 

Erza turned around after teaching Elfman a lesson and her expression quickly changed.

"Oh if it isn't Lisanna and little Haru. How are you both?" Erza said in a welcoming manner.

"Good morning Erza, actually Haru wanted to ask you for a favour." Lisanna said pushing her son forward who now held a box in his hand.

"Oh really? What is it Haru go ahead and ask me." Erza said with a huge smile on her face as she looked down at him.

Haru bowed down to her and requested as he held out the parcel in his hand.

"I'm begging you miss Erza, please become my teacher and help me get stronger! I want to learn the ways of a true swordsman!" Haru said his eyes full of sincerity.

Erza's expression changed slightly her face now looking towards him with a piercing glare. "Oh and tell me Haru Dragneel, why do you want to learn my magical technique?"

"I want only to become strong enough so I can protect my little sister. I want to be as strong as my father or at least half as good as he is so I can make sure Amy will never be hurt or cry again!" Haru said not letting her eyes throw him off. 

Erza smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder. 

 "Very nice, I like the look in your eyes Haru and I admire your resolve. Very well, I will teach you the art of requip. However be warned, my training isn't easy and will be very challenging. I'm willing to take you as my student, but are you ready to take on such a tough training schedule?" Erza asked waiting patiently for his answer.

"Of course! I will endure any hardship or pain in order to protect my little sister." Haru replied not taking his eyes off his wanted teacher.

"Excellent, it's settled then I will train you requip magic." Erza said extending her hand for him to shake. Haru gladly accepted her handshake and then offered to her the parcel he was carrying.

"What's this?" Erza said looking at the parcel.

"A gift from me, my mum told me you like sweet things." Haru said looking at her as she unfastened the ribbon. As Erza opened the gift, her eyes soon shot open and her eyes sparkled with joy. "Haru you're such a nice boy!" Erza said hugging him tightly.

She then reverted her eyes to Lisanna. "This strawberry cake will make up for the one your older brother ruined Lisanna. Erza said laughing with Lisanna.

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