Part 5 ~

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Livia's POV:

Light started to make it's way through the surface of my eyelids, invading the peacefulness of what was darkness. I felt like I was waking up from a long nightmare, my head was pounding and I could feel my heart beating against the rise and fall of my chest. I felt like I was covered in sweat, but a shiver made me think otherwise.

"Livia, Livia can you hear me?" a soothing voice said from beside me, trying to wake me from my sleep, I wanted to say yes, answering there concerned voice but couldn't bring myself to do so.

"Livia, I want you to squeeze my hand if you can hear me" they said again, and i noticed there thick american accent. Only then could i also feel there warm hand wrapped around mine as I squeezed my fingers shut.

"Ok Livia, now this going to be hard, but in your own time could you try and open your eyes for me?" they asked gently. Slowly I tried to open my eyes. The room around me began to spin as I managed to squint. A man in his late thirties sat in front of me, his hand in mine. I tried to pull away from him, frightened, but I couldn't find the effort to do so.

"What- where?" I croak out, barely bringing out my sentences. Where the hell was I and what the hell was going on?!

The man seemed to answer for me, "Hello Livia. My names John Mason and I'm a doctor here at this hospital-"

A hospital? Why the hell was I in a hospital?! Something about this man made me trust him though, as he smiled reassuringly at me. "Don't worry, try to take a couple of deep breathes and i'll begin to explain what's happened."

I try to repeat what he said, taking deep breathes for a couple of minutes. My eyes seemed to flick between his face and the clip board sitting in his lap.

"Ok. So before we start I have a few questions to ask you," he says taking his hand from mine and getting ready to record my answers onto his clipboard. "So full name?"

"Livia, Livia McLaren" I answer unsurely.



"Birthdate?" the questions carry on for a couple of minutes before he takes a seat next to my bed.

"Ok, I'm going to explain your condition quickly and then you can ask any further questions" he says smiling so I nod my head, gesturing for him to begin.

"Ok, so to begin with you have a badly fractured leg" he says, and only then do I realise my leg is in a cast, "we will remove the cast hopefully tomorrow morning, then you will be on crutches for four to six weeks. You also have a repairing lung" he says, "you had a couple of broken ribs that are well on there way to repair, however one did penetrate into your lung. You may, in high stress levels or similar circumstances find it a little difficult to breathe. That is a very controllable factor though, and using a asthma breathing device will be very easy to manage."

I felt like my heart was in my mouth as I listened to my injuries, and my head was pounding from the realisation of it all.

"Your final injury was a little more serious, however no permanent damage has been made from what we can see through your results. In the accident you received a large blow to the head, causing a concussion, but all that seems to be well now" he says giving me another reassuring smile. "Do you have any questions for me?"

Any questions? Millions of questions were flooding my head at this very moment! Why the hell am I in hospital in the first place? What was the accident? Where was the accident? Did my family know I was here, did Lucy?

"How-" is all I manage to croak out as I feel tears brimming in my eyes.

"You were in a plane accident" What! Since when did I get on a plane?! As soon as my mind formed those words vivid images rushed back to my mind, and i forced my eyes shut to try and get rid of them.

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