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I sighed.Setting all of my things on the left side of the room since Ethan told me to pick a side.I got the bed by the window and I was pretty happy about that.

Ethan's stuff was still packed into his suit cases and they were all leaned up against his bed.I noticed his phone was still here,It was on the charger

I'm not gonna lie! I really wanted to go through his phone but I figured he had a password on it and plus.He already hates me enough as it is.May I add for no reason

"Why are you just standing their?"I jumped at the deep voice behind me and instantly held onto my chest in relief when I saw Ethan,He didn't look as mad as he was a few minutes ago

"Uh I was just figuring out where to put everything"I said,He shrugged and headed towards his phone,Me being the snoopy person I am,Leaned over and watched him text someone

I was to far to read what he was typing so I just gave up and started to unpack my things,As soon as I opened my suit case I saw a note from my brother,I smiled and I decided I would read it later.

"Do you know your way around the school?"I asked,Ethan looked up from his phone and loudly sighed

"Yes I do"

"Look,I know you hate me or whatever but can you just help me find my classes tomorrow"


"What! Why?"I noticed him smirking as he continued to text on his phone and purposely ignore me.Is it that big of a deal just to show me around the school? Like what the fuck!

I through my cloths into my dresser angrily.Every Time a piece of clothing hit the dresser it would make a big 'Clunk' noise but Ethan didn't seem bothered by it.Which pissed me off so being the immature human I am.I picked up a crop top and through it at him.

"What the he-"

"Hey Ethan!"

My mouth dropped as an Ethan number two walked in.He has a twin?! Oh my god! It just keeps getting better and better! Note the sarcasm

"What's up dude!"

"And you are?"Ethan number two asked as he winked at me.My stomach flipped and I swear my cheeks were redder then a fire truck.


"Cute" He smirked "I'm Grayson"

"You done hitting on my annoying roommate?"Ethan said as he glared at Grayson

Grayson chuckled and rolled his eyes.I looked down at my shoes because suddenly they were the most interesting thing in this room.

"Once I get her number I will be"

"You have a girlfriend"Ethan glared



This chapter sucked I'm sorry! But I'll update soon.Maybe this week :)

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