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       I stood there awkwardly,Grayson was glancing at me here and there while talking to Ethan but I tried my best to ignore it and act like I was on my phone.Which I wasn't really,Just scrolling on Instagram seeing all my friends back home enjoying no school.

Ugh,Why did I decide to go to college?

My question was answered quickly when my dads face popped up on my phone.I sighed

"Hey dad!"

"Hey Hun! How is it?"

"I just got here a few hours ago! It's fine so far"I laughed,I heard my mom and brother whispering things to him but I couldn't totally understand them.

"I know but I'm just worried your gonna change your mind about college an-"I sighed loudly on purpose so he would get  the hint I didn't want to talk about this.

"I have to go to bed early! I have classes in the morning" I said "I'll call tomorrow,Love you"

As soon as I hung the phone up my phone died.Oh just my luck! Why does life have to be so complicated? I dramatically walked to my charger and plugged my phone in.

I turned around and was face to chest with Grayson.He was of course taller then me,Everyone is!

"There's a party tomorrow! It's a beginning of a year bash.Everyones gonna be there,Can you go?"Grayson asked,Fuck! Do I go? My dad would kill me...but I need to have some fun,Right?

"Uh I'll think about it"

"Okay sounds good!" He smiled "Ethan I'll see you tomorrow bro"

I watched Grayson grab his things and leave the dorm.Leaving Ethan and I standing there,Alone

"Uhm I'm gonna go get some food"I broke the silence and walked out of the dorm.I saw a lot of food courts set up and honestly I was in food heaven.I walked to the pizza stand.

There was a girl that seemed around my age,She was blonde,Green eyes and surprisingly she was only a few inches taller then me.

"My names Samantha! What can I get you?"

"What do you suggest?"I asked

"The pepperoni pizza is honestly the best but yet the breadsticks are bomb to"I laughed and ordered exactly what she said.

"I'm Kassidy by the way!"

"I figured"She said as she looked at my name tag.They made us wear them when we got to campus.

"You going to the party tomorrow?"She asked as she handed me my order

"Yeah I think so"

"I'll see you there then! Goodnight"


Next chapter will be better! I promise! This is just a fill in chapter!

Roommates Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora