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Lurking in the waters was my brother. He was attempting to scare me, but I saw him clearly. Lurking... Lurking like a thought in my head. The thought of laughter. It spreads through my mind and now... now I was crying.

I loved to laugh. I loved to smile. Before when my brother lurked in waters, floating ever so slightly, I laughed and smiled. I joked about many things. I laughed when I heard him laugh, and smiled when I saw him smile. I loved it back then. I loved it when it wasn't just I. When it was us. Him and I, him and me, and the thought of loosing him, having to let go, still lingers on.

Let me start here. Here is now. Now is a relativity of time. What happened to my brother may not have happened now, with it actually being four years since the occurrence, but memories, only remembered with triggers, still linger on. Now, then. What does matter? What does it mean? What goes on now matters just as much as what happened then, more or less. It consumes me. And now is where I stand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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