Chapter 1

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"How is London?" I haven't spoken to my mum in ages. This is the first time I'm actually hearing her voice on the phone. I moved over to London to study Fashion Design cause this is the place to be. I always had a passion for fashion. It's the only way to express my self and show who I am. I'm not a loud person, definitely not.

My place is in the background where no one can see me. Being shy isn't fun, but I can't help it.

The reason why I wanted to study Fashion Design is because I wanted to combine my two biggest passions which are drawing and shopping. In my spare time I design outfits and even create them. I loved it here and London is pretty as well. The negative thing about it is not being able to see my family and friends. I haven't spoke to them in months.

"London is nice, how is Manchester?" The annoying sounds of taxi's disturbed me. "It's okay.. I just miss you" It hurts to hear my mum like that but i'm 18 and I can chose for myself now. According to her i'm still that little girl from 8 years ago but i'm not. "I miss you too. " A knock on the door disturbs my thoughts. "I have to go, i'll talk to you soon. Love you"

"Love you too" she says quickly before I hang up and make my way to the door.

"Uhm hi .." A random boy of like 6ft stood there almost hovering over me. His green eyes seem to be staring at me for ages.

"Is this hotel room 38 and are you Emily?" His voice was very deep and strong. I have no idea what he wanted or what he was doing here. I just give him a simply nod.

"I guess your my new room mate then"

A cheeky grin appears on his face showing his dimples. "I think this is a mistake. I don't have a room mate"

He was definitely not good in his head. It was weird how he knew my name though.

He hands me a piece of paper. It says that the hotel is overbooked and he had to stay in my room for a couple of days until there is a room available. I shake my head.

"No this can't be true. Why me? There are plenty other rooms?" Of course this had to happen to me. Out of all the rooms they had it was me who had to share a room with him.

"Well it is. Congratulations" He says and walks straight past me into the room. "Why congratulations?" He drops his suitcases in the corner of the room next to mine and looks around the room. Almost inspecting it. "You're lucky you can stay with me. I bet plenty of other girls would want this"

What was he even thinking?

"Look I don't even know who you are, but I don't like your attitude and no i'm not lucky"

All he does is laugh. I don't get it. Am I being Punk'd or what is going on? "Whatever you just have to deal with it"

I roll my eyes, still not happy with the fact I had to share it with him. At least gave me a proper boy who I can talk with and might even have a laugh with. But I can't even start a normal conversation with him.

"How long were you going to stay?" He picks up some things of the shelf and stare at it before putting it down again. What is he ? The FBI? "I don't know , a few days. Maybe a few weeks or even months"

No way. I hope he is joking cause I can't even stand a few minutes with him.

"Whats your name" I ask, ignoring his answer of the last question.

"Harry." "Okay, well nice to meet you Harry. I guess" He rolls his eyes. Can he at least pretend like he's friendly to me ? His eyes were locked on the drawings I made.

"You like to draw?" He looked interested in my work but of course he wasn't really. "Yes" "Boring. What else do you do in spare time?" God he is rude. At least try to be nice. I know he doesn't likes me but that doesn't mean he has to be so cruel about everything. We have to share a room after all anyway. "Why do you care?" He gives me a 'youre-right-i-dont-care-look' and raises his eyebrows.

"I'm going to leave now and have some dinner. Try not to break the room while i'm gone" I was amused by my sarcastic reaction even though I meant a little bit of it. Harry surely wasn't amused at all. "Why you think I would break the room?" He raises his voice making me to jump a little. "Well you seem like the type to-" He takes a few steps closer to me. I try not to be fragile and stay on my place not moving away. Even though his look in his eyes and his words we're scaring me. "A type to what" he interrupts. Stay big now Emily, don't break down. Don't show him you're afraid. Show him who's the boss here. I almost smiled at my own thoughts. Officially I am the boss here well not really since it's a hotel but I was here first so it counts to me. "A type to throw things at the floor when you're mad. Even when you're not mad" He takes another step closer. "Who said I was mad or going to be mad?" That question confused me.

"Doesn't matter just don't break things"

"You don't tell me what to do little girl" the look in his eyes where the most terrifying and gorgeous thing at the same time. Wait what am I thinking? No he's not gorgeous he's bad and rude and .. good looking. Oh god stop it.

"I'm not a little girl" He laughs. "Yes you are. Don't even start with me okay."

What ?! "You were the one who started it. You were the one who had to stay here. You better be nice or i'll kick you out of here"

"Do whatever you want.." He takes another step to me closing the space between us. His hard chest touches mine , giving me goosebumps. "I'll find you anyway" he whispers into my ear. His lips brushes next to my ear. The hot breath of him relax me for some reason. I take a step back before I do wrong things. "Whatever. I'm leaving."

He nods and just waves me bye with the most fake smile I've ever seen. I close the door behind me and realise what just happened. Why me, ugh.

When I'm at the restaurant at the hotel I take a seat and order my food. The waiter was very lovely and he even started a nice chat with me.

"So why are you here on your own?" I wasn't sure if I should answer this but he seemed nice so I did. I explained why I moved here and that I just got here.

"Fashion Designer huh? Nice." I smile and take a sip of my drink. A different waiter hands me the food. "Do you mind if I stay?" He asks. "No it's okay you can stay if you want to." He smiled at me first but he looked shocked when he looks behind me. What's wrong. "I mind" A deep familiar voice says.

I turn around and see Harry looking down at us. He even looks taller than before.

"Get away from her" He demands.

I gave him the most confusing look I could give. As the waiter wanted to stand up and leave I pull on his arm , letting him know to stay. If he's going to hurt some one at least I have someone to protect me. Well I thought.

"I have to go" he says. "Why ? Don't let him scare you. He isn't scary at all" I lie. I was terrified but again I couldn't show that.

"No you don't understand. I have to go now. " Why the hell was he being like that? I must admit Harry does looks like he was going to kill somebody but I mean it was not bad.

"Yes Emily. Listen to him for once, he has to leave" The waiter nods and leaves. I've never seen someone walking that fast. I roll my eyes and turn back to Harry.

"Let's go" My mouth almost dropped.

"Let's go? You can not just show up here demanding someone to leave and then demand me to come with you?!" I almost yelled at him. His big hands covered my mouth. Several people started to look in our direction. They must have heard. He says nothing but keeps one hand on my mouth and with his other hand he drags me away from the restaurant into the elevator. I try to escape from his grip but he was to strong.

"What the fuck" is the first thing that escapes my mouth when he let go of his hand on my mouth. "I haven't even finished my dinner" I add.

"Shut up will you. Stay away from him, he's dangerous"

( I hope you liked my first chapter. Please vote and share this story. Lots of love )

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