Real Magic

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^^ Pera ^^ (like Sarah, but with a P.)

--- Gwen's POV ---

I woke with the gonging sound of the bell, and dressed quickly in my clothes is laid out the night before. I laced my boots, and threw on my leather suit coat, and then my top hat. Fun Fact: Ancient Magicians wore black and white top hats, black suits, and sometimes bunny costumes to amplify their magical abilities, and pulled rabbits out of them through portals of some kind.

(This is seriously why they thing magicians in our time wore top hats and suits. Also wands don't exist in this time. Magic is controlled by Will and thoughts, not words and wands. Except ritual magic, which relies on poetry.)

I strode out of my Box, which I'd rearranged with a thought when brother had gifted it to me. It was now one small building surrounded by ponds and streams and little valleys and hills.

I picked up my box, placing it in my pocket, and strode out of my room. As a master, I was given my own room in the master building, and it was quite comfortable, though I still preferred my own, that Damian had reproduced faithfully.

I sat down in the breakfast hall, and suddenly heard Damian roar, shaking the castle next to us. Everyone freaked out, and I groaned. "Sigh, Damian... Couldn't hold in your anger for one day?" I muttered to myself. I stood and marched out of the dining hall towards my first class, which was 'Dimensional Warping' the easiest class for me, and any demon, as dimensional warping comes so natural to us.

I walked in, and sat down at an empty desk near the front. As soon as I sat down, another girl sat next to me, and giggled. "Thanks, I didn't want to sit alone." She said softly in response to my questioning look.

I did a double take, and smiled. She was adorable. Short Honey colored hair, and Amber eyes, a gentle dusting of freckles, and a cute little blush rounded out her petite face, and from her looks, her entire body was like that.

I snapped my fave forward, and swallowed my almost-drool. "N-no problem." I said, and kicked myself for stuttering.

She smiled. "I'm Pera." She held out a hand to shake.

"Gwen." I said, and shook her hand firmly. She grimaced, and I let go quickly. "Sorry, I don't always have control of my own strength..." 'Like when pretty girls sit next to me....' I added in my mind,

She smiled again. "It's fine. Are you an Amazon?"

I blinked, and giggled. "No, no, Spartan." I responded breathlessly, tickled by the idea she thought I was an Amazon.

She widened her eyes. "No way!!! You mean you're-!!!" She lowered her voice. "An Acadian? The oldest Acadian?" She asked softly, so no one else heard. I nodded, and she squealed. "Oh!! Thor's Beard this is amazing! I've been here two years and I'm just barely a Master, but that's because of my Beast Taming abilities!"

"What Beasts?" I was curious.

"I train mostly Wyrms, and ride them." She said simply.

I blinked. "That's... Okay. Well, don't try to tame me, dearest, I'm pretty wild..." I grinned, but in my head I was beating my head against the wall and grinding my tongue with a stone.

She giggled. "You're funny. I think you'd like my Dragon, Toothless."

(That's right, bitches. ALL THE DAM FANDOMS!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!)

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