Chapter Five, Part Two- The Wedding, The Secret Ninjas, and Jennifer.

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A/N- Thanks so much for the 150 reads!!! That is a huge accomplishment, as far as I am concerned for me. I really want all of my readers to vote and comment, because I want to know what you guys think of my story! I really need some feedback here guys!! I also would like if you could recommend this story to anyone! Thanks for your time, I just really want people to tell me what they think! Anyway, onto the story, and sorry for boring you:



I opened my closet door and pulled out my dark blue, knee length dress, and the sleeves were pushed over the shoulder, suspiciously the exact same one as in the dream. I shook my head and blinked but the same dress was still there. I stared at it in confusion as I put it on my bed and put my hands on my hips. I sighed as I slipped my pajamas off and put on the dress.

I sighed in awe as I looked in the mirror and spun in a circle, holding my hair in a bun. I smiled as I looked at myself. The dress looked absolutely dazzling, (if I say so myself) even though it was so simplistic.

I put my hair up into a messy but pretty bun, and put white ballet flats on. I also slipped a tiny gun under my dress incase anyone crashed the wedding, *cough cough* people who are trying to take his spot on the throne *cough cough*. After that, I put on some light eyeshadow and very little mascara and lipstick.

I walked down the stairs one by one, my flats clicking as they touched the floor. I looked around as I saw fancy dressed guests with champagne in their hands, and chattering amongst themselves.

The wedding was in the castle ballroom, and it seemed that most of the guests were here already. I felt extremely underdressed as I walked through the crowd to get to the ballroom, as I suspected the prince, the princess, and the rest of the wedding committee there, including the parents.

When I opened the huge set of doors I just found a man in a black suit standing there.

"Well, who are you, pretty?" He smirked, advancing towards me and grabbing my arm tightly.

"What are you doing here?" I snarled, realizing who it was. It was the one and only best fighter in England. He was an outlaw. His name was... Actually, no one knew his name, but I guess we will figure that out sooner or later, right brain?

"Well, darling, I am here to crash the wedding." He said. "I see that you know of me?"

"You are one of the most wanted people in Europe. How could I not?" I faked a smile. I pulled the gun out of my dress slowly as I pointed it at him with my free hand. "Don't make me put you to an end." I snarled back at him.

He laughed as he pulled his mask off, smiling. "You are very easy to trick, beautiful." I sneered at him.

He ran his hands up and down my body and that was the end of it for him, as I kneed him in the place where it hurts, and I kicked him in the face, knocking him out, and finished him with a punch in the stomach, that was quite a blow, I must say.

I called the Queen and King's bodyguards in to take him out of here and put him somewhere where he obviously needed to go. I went to the bathroom, brushed my dress off and fixed my hair in the bathroom, slipping the gun back under my dress. I then sighed as I walked out, thinking that there are others here, and they weren't going to be as easy as him.

I walked out of the doors as I saw the prince a few feet away standing with the Princess. I walked over to them to talk for a minute, just to say greetings. His eyes got as wide as saucers as I neared them, and she saw me.

I bowed, "Hello, Princess of Lukania. How are you on your wedding day, ma'am?" I realized that I didn't introduce myself as I stumbled over my words, "Oh, I am so sorry your majesty, not to be rude. I am Breean Everdeen, the Prince's bodyguard, but you shall call me Bree."

She smiled. "Finally, you got a bodyguard with manners!" She smacked him playfully as he cracked a small smile and shrugged. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye as she walked away with him and rolled his eyes. I chuckled, as I studied her from behind, and she had the blonde locks cascading down her back and a red dress on, not in her wedding dress just yet, just like in my dream.

I saw her whisper to him as he nodded and she walked away, probably to get into her wedding dress. I saw the prince walk into the ballroom, and I followed him, not wanting anymore trouble happening.

I slipped through the doors and closed them, turning around silently.

I looked at his appearance, scanning my eyes over his tuxedo. He winked at me and my face heated up in embarrassment. "Checking me out, Ms. Everdeen?"

"You wish, Mr. Smith." I cracked a smile. "Or Jerk-O-Lantern."

"I must say, that was a good comeback." He said.

"Yep. My official nickname for you is Jerk-O-Lantern now." I said. I looked at the watch on the wall and gasped, as it was already 10:00! "The wedding should be starting soon!"

He looked behind him at the clock and nodded his head, agreeing with me. We walked up to the head of the room and stood there, as everyone piled in.

I watched the bridesmaids and the groomsmen walked down the aisle, when the bride came after them. She was wearing a beautiful ball gown type of dress, and her hair was still in the ringlets. I need to ask her where she got her necklace, as it looks like it was a million dollars.

As the dude in the robes just blabbered on about the stupid stuff no one wants to hear, I zoned out. Until one part came.

"Drake Draconius Smith, do you take Jennifer Lynn Hunters as your lovely wedded wife?" The dude with the robes said.

"No." He said sternly. "I don't love her. I don't love anyone, and I am way too young to be wedded." He turned to the people attending the wedding. "I am sorry, Mum and Dad. I am not marrying this early, and I want to pick who I want to be with."

Well, at least this is nothing like my dream. I looked at the pri- Jennifer, as I would like to call her, and she just muttered a thank you to him as I stared at them in confusion. She said, "I am not in love with him either. And we should not be married if we do not love each other."

No one had anything to say as a few people dressed in black entered the room, sprinting towards the prince. People were screaming and crying, as the prince and the princess ran. Some ran after them and some were so stupid that they headed where I was, as I pulled the gun out of my dress, and everyone became silent.

"Now, stop running, put your hands up, and no one gets hurt." I hissed, cocking my head to the side and walking forward, pointing my gun at them one at a time. They froze but just smirked at me- (all of them men by the way) - and I rolled my eyes. "Really?" I said. "You don't think I will hurt you?"

They all didn't answer except one, who proudly shook their head no, as I walked over to him and smiled, as I punched him the stomach with all the force I could muster.

"Anyone else wanna try me?"


A/N- This is a late update, I know, and I am not the happiest about that, but this is a longer chapter! Be glad!

I decided to take away the 'update every Sunday/Saturday,' thing, as I will update as soon as possible whenever possible.

I will take the time to edit the story soon, as I really thing it needs it!

I also would like you to comment what you think is going to happen in the next chapter. What will happen to Bree? What will the next chapter consist of? How do you think this story will end?

Please Vote, Comment, Follow, and Recommend!!!!


Sarah xxx.

P.S- I love all of my followers and all of my readers! Where would I be without you;).

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