Leave it all behind

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Slowly Talitha began to regain her sight. Her breathing was heavy and tears fell down her cheeks, as she stumbled away from Dean leaving him in a fit of gasping and coughing. How could this have happened? The closest person she had to a father and the only person who help her find her real one, was gone.

She covered her face with her hands as Sam stepped closer to her, and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. She clung to his chest sobbing, he was doing his best to calm her but nothing worked and she continued to cry. Dean; who was still upset about the whole thing but not wanting to show it, walked into the kitchen muttering "Damn it Cas...why didn't you listen?"

Slowly, Talitha eased into sniffling and stumbled away from the taller man. "It'll be OK" Sam told her "I'm sure Cas will find his way back somehow" she nodded, but knew full well he was just trying to to cheer her up. He looked down to her and gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder but she pulled away from it.

Sam stated at her and sighed before walking to kitchen with Dean. Nathan; who had been in a different room when everyone came home, only heard part of the conversation but Talitha's sobs made it obvious something was wrong. "Talitha..." He tried to reach her through angel radio...but she didn't respond, she took one look behind her before wiping her cheeks with her over sized sleeves and walked out into the cold parking lot of the motel. Passing Jen as she walked to the car.
A few days past and no one- not even Nathan- knew where Talitha had gone. She ignored their calls and blocked Nathan out of her head. In fact she blocked everyone out...everyone except the voice from her dream. The voice that constantly called out to her, and the fact that she couldn't find it was driving her insane. To the point where she started talking to herself. And if was one of those times where her and the voice finally made contact.

She was returning from a solo hunt, and talking to herself quietly
"They are probably worried about me...they probably think I'm dead...I'm kind of surprised I'm not dead actually..."
"I won't let you die" the voice in her head said suddenly, causing her to jump as she was walking. "Why do you keep talking to me?!" She shouted, earning weird looks from the people around her. "I can't even see you! You're probably not even real and this is me going crazy!"
"Aren't we all a little crazy?" It asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Some more then others" Talitha muttered as she walked into an alley where she could talk in peace.
The voice chuckled then went quiet again , then a man appeared next to her. She jumped back and yelped in surprise "Jumpy much, Tali?" He joked, but she was barely listening "H-how do you know my name?!" But when she looked up she saw he was no ordinary man...he was an angel and she could see his wings.

Talitha was terrified, she knew she was abducted by heaven as a child and this angel could be sent by the same people who took her to get her back or worse... Kill her. Nephilim were considered abominations to heaven...and now she was without the boys' protection.

The voice interrupted her thoughts: "Talitha...I'm your father" her blue eyes widened staring into his... "Y-you?!" He smiled, nodded and held his hand out to her but she backed away from him defensively, leaving him with hurt in his eyes. "Y-you're lying! You're just trying to drag me back to heaven so they can kill me!"

Her hand slid into her pocket and she pulled out an angel blade; given to her by Cas, and held it up to the gold winged angel's throat. Her glare just as sharp as the knife...

Run Away From Home (A Supernatural OC Fic) Where stories live. Discover now