Chapter 27- Flashback

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Hey guys. Huge thanks to  @Litzyzapata43 who commented and gave me this idea.

[Y/n] POV

As I sat their looking at Neegan, thinking he was going to kill me, or something worse then death.And then the smirk he was giving Carl made me think back on everything... my life, the wrong things I had done. Everyone I met. People close to me, people who are like my family. And then Carl; he is my family, he is everything in my life that was good, everything in my life that was close to me... everything in my life I wanted to keep. Then I realized something. The kids on they playground, the ones who I had been with for so long, the one boy I had a crush on, and the one girl who was my only friend. I soon remembered everything.

Start Flashback to life before this hell

I was ten... but I was nothing like a ten year old girl. I loved playing with guns, knives, and arrows. I didn't like shopping or playing with my pets. I preferred to be alone. Mom said I was like my dad. I have some memory of him but that's when I was five. I wish I knew more about him then my life wouldn't be like this. My life wouldn't be lonely. It was lunch recess at school. All the girls were off on their phones or spreading gossip. 

Then... there was me. With one friend, one friend who was like me. One other girl. Sophia Peletier. She was the same age as me. She was everything I wanted to be, she fit in with the girls, and the guys, and anyone in between. But we were always together. I had met her dad lots, but never her mom, she was always off doing daily house chores.

Sophia stuck with me for a long time, from the ages we were six to 10...

"Hey [y/n]." Sophia smiled as she walked over. Her normal smile on her face as she skipped over, but this time someone was behind her.

"Hey Sophia." I smiled back. Trying to catch a glance at who was behind her.

"This is Carl. You know him right?" She smiled. I faintly nodded with a blush. I had a crush on Carl since he moved. But he barely knew me. But why would he, I was in the background all the time. This is one of the only times I have actually talked to him besides the odd times to borrow pencils or something.

"Ya." I nodded with a glare to Sophia saying Why did you bring him here. You know I like him.

She nodded with a grin as she obviously understood my glare.

"Ya. We've talked." He said with a smile.

I only nodded and kept my head down.

"[Y/n] stop being shy." Sophia laughed.

"Nah I'm ok."

"Please." That voice wasn't Sophia's. It was Carl's. I looked up with a blush and finally nodded once I realized who the voice was from and why.

Since then I was closer to Carl. Still we barely talked but he was someone I could go to when I couldn't go to Sophia.

** Three months later.****

"[y/n]" Sophia said sadly. I looked up and saw tears on her face.

"Sophia... whats wrong?" I asked sadly.

"I-I'm moving." She said. My heard stopped when I heard those two words.

"What?" I ashed with a shudder.

"So is Carl... his dad got transferred." She said sadly. Those words shattered my heart.

"B-But now I have no one." I said with tears stinging my eyes. "I'm alone again."

"No [Y/n] We'll all see you again." Carl said as he pulled you into a tight hug.

"I hope so..."

But that was the last time you saw them because the walkers came two months after they moved. You never saw Sophia again. But little did you know that after surviving two years alone in the apocalypse, you would find Carl again. Maybe you did't remember it, but he did.  

You found love again. Love is the one thing keeping you both alive.

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