Chapter 34

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Ok guys. So I have been thinking about ending the book.  I really don't know what else to put in it since I am just following the story line.  I will make this chapter and one more which will come out tonight or tomorrow (mountain time).

(This is the second last chapter to this book.) y/n's POV

I woke up with my head resting on Carl's chest, my (hair colour) hair was covering one side of my face and I could feel his chest rise and fall with each breath.  As I lay my head back down I heard his heart beat, it was strong and steady.

I looked up to him and brushed the hair from his eye that it was covering so I could see his face.  He was my everything. I didn't know how it was possible for someone to mean so much to someone else. It's crazy. He makes me crazy, but I love it.

"It's rude to stare you know." He muttered with his eyes slightly open. I smiled and blushed as I looked at him.

"But you stare at me all the time." I smirked back.

"But that's different. I'm staring at something so beautiful that nothing can ever take my eyes from you."  He said as he pushed himself up more so he was sitting up.  I wanted to disagree with him, but I knew I wouldn't win so I smiled and went along with it.

---- Time skip.------

I was back in my house because Carl, Rick, and my dad went out on a run for supplies. I was sitting on the front porch reading one of the comic books that Carl had.

"(y/n)?" I heard a voice that I hadn't heard in a while ask. I looked up to see Enid standing there with a plain look on her face.  I put the book down beside me and looked at her. Part of me wanted to slap this bitch, but the other part of me wanted to know what she needed to say to me.

"What?" I asked bluntly, anger in my voice.

"I know you don't like me-"

"Oh that 'don't like' is an understatement. I hate you. You hate me." I scoffed as I cut her off.

"Listen. I know you 'hate' me and I return the feeling to you one hundred percent." She growled, "But I wanted to say, I know that Carl loves you. He won't quit it. So I'm saying I won't try to kill you like a while ago, or I wont try to take him or any thing like that." She said quietly.

I sat quietly, I was shocked. A while ago this girl tried to kill me for being with Carl. Now she's saying she's kinda okay with it... What the hell.

"Uh... Okay. Um, thanks?" I said with a questioning look.

"Why are you still like that? I just said I wouldn't hurt you or kill you or what ever I said and you still doubt me."  She yelled.

"Well you tried to kill me!" I yelled back.

"But I didn't."

"You tried." I said with a cocked eyebrow.

"But I didn't. There's a difference between did and didn't. God learn some things." Enid spat.

"Okay fine. You didn't. I'm sorry." I stated angrily in defeat.

"Me too...." Enid sighed and held out a hand for me to shake.  I hastily took it and shook it.

"Are we okay now?" She asked.

"I'm still sketchy about it. But I think so."

"Good." She said. I nodded and pressed my lips into a thin line.

"Imma go back to reading." I said as I picked up the comic and she nodded and walked away.  Just then of course Carl and my dad walked up.

"Why was Enid 'ere, did she do anythin'?" My dad asked.

"No... she just actually apologized." I said in shock still.

"She apologized?" Carl asked in shock, matching mine.

"Yea." I said.

"Are ya sure?" My dad asked, "It's Enid...."

I chuckled, "Ya. I'm sure."

"Thief." Carl said as he nudged my arm and motioned to the comics.

"What?" I asked.

"You stole my comic."


"It's my comic."

My dad sighed and walked into the house to avoid the useless fight.

Carl Grimes x Fem reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now