12 years

5 0 0

My name is Emrys. I am the youngest daughter of Poseidon. I have powers you wouldn't believe, even though I am only 12 years of age. Today is my first day allowed out of the palace without Guards, I told Father i could handle it. And I can! I can handle anything! Anything! Except for the net that Im currently tangled in... 

After worming my way up onto some rocks, I began the action of detangling the ropes from my body. As the Sun retreated farther down the horizon, panic set in. Father says that the sea is a dangerous place after dark. I pulled harder on the tangled ropes but i simply couldn't free myself.

"Yes mom! Ill be back before dark! I just want to look for shells!" a voice from above me yelled

I looked around frantically. I'm supposed to stay unseen to Mortals until my Enrollment. Unfortunately, i didn't get anywhere before a young boy stepped around the rocks and saw me. His jaw dropped in awe, his eyes staring at me. I struggled harder against the net and began crying.

"Are you stuck? Do you need some help?" he asked me softly

I nodded slowly and he immediately began cutting the ropes with a small knife he pulled from his pocket. I made sure that my hair covered my chest, to avoid embarassment.

"you're very beautiful. Do you talk?" he cut the last rope

"I can speak. I'm just not supposed to talk to you."

"why not?" he leaned against the rock nearest me

"Because my father says you are dangerous."

"I don't think i'm dangerous. i just saved you, didn't I?"

"w-well yes... I suppose you did.." i gave a small smile

"so if you don't mind me asking, whats it like having a tail?"

I began telling him about my life in the palace and what its like to have Poseidon for a father. The sun was almost below the waves by the time I realized that i had to leave. I said goodbye to the boy, whose name i learned was Michael. Swimming as fast as I could put me through the palace gates at the same time that Father opened the door.

"Emrys. welcome home my love" he kissed the top of my head

"thank you father. i had a wonderful time. Please have supper sent up to my room? Im very tired." i tried to slip passed him

"A wonderful time? youre covered in bruises! What happened?" he demanded

"I bumped into a reef, Father. I am fine. Goodnight now" i went directly to my room

The door closed slowly as I forced all the water from the room, leaving it as dry as land. After propping myselk up against the foot of the bed, my tail began to dry and transform into legs. Father was right. I was pretty badly injured. I had bruises all up and down my legs, along with a large gash across my thigh. I retrieved bandages from under my bed and carefully covered the cut. There was a soft knock on my door, indicating that my dinner had arrived. After consuming the delishes meal, I burrowed down into my covers and had dreams filled with the image of Michael.


By Fathers command, I was prohibited to leave the palace until my wounds healed completely. I spent almost 3 weeks in the confines of palace, with little to do but to practice my powers. Once i was healed, i begged Father to let me out on my own again. He obliged after many hours of thought. I swam quickly to the rocks, in hopes that Michael would be there again. Barely minutes after i pulled myself up, Michael tumbled down the incline and crashed into the pebbled shore.

"Hi. Hi. Hello" he gasped while attempting to stand up

"Hello Michael" I giggled

We spent hours talking and exchanging stories before Michael's mother called him in as it was getting dark. We agreed to meet at the same time tomorrow, 3 hours after noon. I watched him climb back up the embankment before I dove back into the waters and swam home. We met day after day. week after week. Nearly 7 months passed before Father got suspicious of my comings and goings. I never imagined that he would follow me with guards. Michael and I had just said goodbye when I came face to face with Father. 

"What are you thinking?! Talking with a mortal boy?!  You arent of age to be on land yet!" he bellowed

The Guard grabbed me and carried me back to the palace, where i was told I would stay in my room, under constant watch. 2 months passed before I was allowed back out of the palace. My only restriction was that i had to stay in the water at all times. At 3 hours I swam to the rocks, poked my head above the water, and waited for Michael. I waited, and waited, and waited, until it was dark. Michael didnt come out that day. or the next. or the one after that. He never came back out. No matter what time or day.

'He abandoned me!' I thought

I slowly made my way back to the palace in tears. From that point, I focused on my studies and prepared for my Enrollment. Only three more years.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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