The Crew

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The car slowly rolled into the garage, Dave slowly waved it in as the tow truck unhooked from it. Dave glanced at it was a pretty fancy car a Porsche . Dave wore jeans and a generic shirt with some kind of insignia on it. He had brown spiky hair and eyes. He was an average height and wore steel toed boots.

His attention was forced onto the owner of the car. He wore a V neck the size of Dave's face and a gold chain. He was short, chubby and fat he was breaking a sweat walking up to Dave. He wore a bracelet of gold and his belt's buckle was shinier than his car.

Dave immediately classed him in his mind jackass

Jackass spoke "okay listen up wrench monkey my ride better be ready by next tuesday i got a meeting with some very important people and i have to look my best!"

Start by getting an actual shirt Jackass

"Yeah listen i don't know whats actually wrong with that car and till i do i don't actually know how long it will take me to fix it," Dave took a short breath "But! I am sure as hell im going to finish when ever i want to and frankly your little business meeting is not going to rush me..." Dave smiled cockily

The man opened his mouth to object but decided better of it and just mumbled "just fix it kapeesh?"

"Of course Jackass" Dave spoke cockily and then choked on his last words

Shit didn't mean to say that

"What you just say boy!" The man fumed his face getting red "I COULD BUY AND SELL YOU BOY AND YOU SAY THAT TO MAH FACE!!!"

Dave backed up smiling awkwardly i could punch him in the face right now he's heavier than me but he sure isn't stronger

Dave contemplated that idea

not worth it Dave you can talk your way out of this

"Sorry sir it was a mistake it just came out..."

The little walrus screamed "A MISTAKE!"

Dave felt two chubby hands slam against his chest and he stumbled back and managed to think

well then, hes dead

Then Dave's head hit a hanging wrench

Dave woke and blaring into his eyes a sterile white background surrounding him, he shook his head and felt a tightness roped across his body. He fully awoke and saw himself in a hospital bed with a nurse at the foot of his bed.

She spoke "oh, your awake" she placed a chart at the foot of his bed "ill go get the doctor to explain the full extent"

The doctor arrived and spoke "Okay David you had a minor head injury we got a urologist to take a took at it and the x-ray pointed out a...."

Dave studied the doctors saddened face this isnt good

"A brain tumor, its inoperable..."

Dave hung his head in his hands staring at his blank white sheets.

"We cant get it out with surgery and were running tests but we don't think chemo will work either im not sure what else we can do but..."

Dave spoke out "how long do i have left..."

"Our best guess is a minimum of four months, but we could be wrong David you can pull though..."

"Ill be leaving now..."

The doctor objected with some combination of words David got the general gist of it. He was trying to get him to stay but there was no way he was staying. He had no brothers, sisters, spouse or mum and his Dad was one of the few people on this earth he wanted dead. He had nothing

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