"Dude you have to ask him out, he's like in love with you, I've seen the way he looks at you. I'm being mean but you have to or I will for yo-" I don't hesitate to cover her mouth as one of my best friends in the world almost says the name of my crush.

"Jenna, Abby's right you do have to, he's all you ever talk about and his friends always push him towards you and that's what guys do." I look over to Eleanor, into her pure green eyes. "Now you're against me too? Great" I turn my head to Ryanne "let me guess you too" she shyly nods while looking at the ground.
I walk away I've had enough they always tell me to "go ask him out" "tell him you like him" "ask him to help you with your homework" I don't think Eleanor was thinking then because I am practically a super nerd, I have an A to A+ average and i have never failed in my ten years of school even in Thai and I've only been learning it for a year since I moved to UnderWood Hills High School last year for year 8. But anyways I'm so sick of them I can live my own life. "Hey Miles there's your girlfriend" I'm pulled from my thoughts when I see Miles basically thrown at me by his friends which ending us both in the ground him on top of me, "well this is awkward, I'm Miles" he sits up and goes to shake my hand. "I know who you are we were Chem partners in semester one, last year." He's recognised me but can't place my name "Jenna" I say after a while, and he stops clicking his fingers to remember my name "Jenna Ohhh Jenna. I remember you, I sit behind you in algebra." Of course I already knowing this, I try to act cool, "oh really I didn't noti-" but I'm cut off by his friends who are making kissing faces and others chanting "say yes, be his boyfriend." Over and over Miles looks back at me and mouths "sorry" since the chanting is so loud. I get up since I realise he's still on me and he awkwardly gets up, and I walk away from all the drama as I look back at Miles with his friends asking why he didn't propose right then.
I don't think I'll ever understand boys.

I get back to my locker and I'm met by Abby, on the locker next to me. "So did he ask?" She asks a little to eager for my liking, "No he did not ask me out and he doesn't like me." She doesn't like this answer, "As your Mega Favourite Best Friend, Psychic and Matchmaker I am I say that he does and Ben told me that's what guys do, trust me J, I have inside info." Ben and Abby are unofficially boyfriend and girlfriend since he's like in love with her but she doesn't see it and into sees him as her guy best friend where she gets all her "matchmaking advice" from since well he's a guy. "Are you even listening to me." Abby's says as she clicks in my face, " you gotta get that fixed or your grades will go down and then you can't go to Harvard." She says the last bit kind of mockingly since that's another thing I talk about other than Miles, and so what if I'm in year 9 I need to plan my future, I want to be a lawyer, and I have to keep my grades like this to get into Harvard. But Abby knows we won't get into the same since she's a B average student and she wants to be a kindergarten teacher but maybe we will you never know really. I look around seeing no one is in the hallway anymore and look at the time noticing it's 9:20 and class started five minutes ago. "Crap" I think to myself I have to run all the way from my lockers to the Christianity building, it's fairly small since it doesn't get funded much money but the teachers kinda just bring in like bean bags and blankets and we just sit and read the bible and do journaling. By the time I get there it's 9:22 and Mr Crocker is a chill teacher but is strict when needed. As soon as I enter room 718 with the class looking at me, luckily it's only a class of 16 since other students just take art instead of Christianity but to be honest I'm not that good of a drawer. "Reason of lateness Miss Mulcay" I shyly shake my head  "okay well just take a seat in one of the beanbags and since we're doing a project and also since Mr Florence was also late you too can go together" I silently groan and hear Ryanne greet me with "otp, otp" as I put my stuff next to hers to get some time to talk before I have to sit next to Miles.
I grab a purple beanbag from the corner and sit next to miles on the other side of the room. "Hey, what are we doing the project on?" I say as I sit down and he scoots closer to me. "Um well Mr C out up a task sheet online do you want me to she it to you." He says and at the last word he looks over to me and I see his grey eyes sparkle, "um yeah I'll get a laptop." I awkwardly say before walking to where the laptops are kept and as I pass Ryanne she smirks at me and looks at him and back at me and I roll my eyes as I get a laptop.

"Wow that's a beautiful home screen." He says as he points to all the seperate colours of the sunset on my screen. "I think I could probably paint that." I look at him and he probably gets the hint, "Yeah I paint when I'm stressed with like homework so I have a lot of paintings" he chuckles at the last point, oh my gosh you're a god I think to myself, "I'm a what." I must have said that out loud since he's chuckling and I mentally facepalm. "'You are god damn good painter.' Is what I meant to say" I say and cringe at my wordplay, "But how did you know I was a 'god damn good painter' if I only just told you about it just a minute ago." He smirks knowing  I'm done for and I um and uh to myself, "nah it's all good I'm just messin with ya." He says and nudges my arm and I breathe a sigh of relief. "So what do you want to work on, because the project is about preaching so we have to give a 10 minute sermon to the class about anything we want." He asks me and since by the look on his face he reaches into his folder and gets his notepad, "So I was thinking stuff like identity, or why I'm here." He gives me the pen to tick which one I like and I tick the little box next to his cute handwriting saying, 'identity'. "Good choice" he says "I was thinking the same thing" he continues and smiles, with me of course smiling back.

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