"So did he ask you yet? I saw him staring in Science, he's totes got the hots for you J." She says smirking, elbowing me and raising her eyebrows up and down, I'm about to answer Abby when Eleanor tilts her head since we're walking in a line and she's at the end. "What's this about Science?" Abby mouths 'Miles' to her and she gets the hint but still takes about 10 seconds to comprehend what we're talking about, you can say she isn't the faster cheetah in the pack, "ohh he did, he did, oh my gosh my little Jen Jen is all grown up. I'm so proud of you." She goes to wipe a fake tear from her eyes, "first of all... He doesn't like me." Ryanne tries to speak but I cut her off, "Second of all, I'm not gonna ask him out unless he do-" I'm cut off by a boy I did not want to see right this second, "Hey Jenna, can we talk" he looks over to my friends who look like there about to be given free make up for the rest of their lives, "privately." He finishes and they all huff or smirk as I leave with Miles."

"So I was thinking so you want to come to my house to work on the project." I lighten up but I think too much because he does that chuckle that sounds like heaven coming out of his perfect mouth, that is in line with his perfect jawline that looks to be sculptured by God himself or took extra time on him and his grey eyes that look mysterious that you'd want to explore more, and his eyebrows are like every girls goal and he just has them perfect. "Jenna....hellooo.. Anyone home....do you want me to come back later?" He says chuckling again as I snap back to reality, "haha sorry I was just looking at the buildings, "No offence but I don't think buildings appear on my face especially my lips." He says chuckling even more, i blush slightly and I playfully punch his arm, "Meanie poo poo." He acts offended and puts his right hand to his heart and the off her hand wipes a fake tear. "Okay Jenna I was trying to be nice but that really hurt." He says but can't finish his sentence before we're both laughing.
"Nah all good Im just messing with you." He says and playfully punches my arm back. "Oh great." He mutters but loud enough for me too hear, "what's wro-" I start but I'm cut off by his friends who holler behind him, one says I think his name is Jack because Ryanne has a major crush on him, well not as big as mine but still pretty big. "Are picking where you're gonna get married." Jack says, "hey don't ruin the surprise he hasn't even proposed." Another one says punching Jack's muscly arm. I look over to Miles and I can tell he's had enough, "Okay!" He shouts toward his friends, "Jenna and I are just friends and she doesn't like me and I don't like her and no we aren't gonna get married because I haven't even asked her out yet and I won't ever!" That last sentence really hits me in the gut, I get up and get my books and walk away. "Great now you've upset the wifey." Another one of his friends mock. "I've had enough of you guys." I want to hear more but I'm too far and I don't want to hear what else he has to say about me because I'm already trying not to cry as I fast walk to the girls bathroom. I hear footsteps before I enter but don't dare to look back. I get into a stall and start pouring my eyes out, 'why does this have to happen to me' I say to myself. I hear the door open and stop crying immediately or the girl will think I'm a wimp for crying in the toilets or make fun of me. "Jenna? Are you in here?" I'm surprised to hear Miles and I don't respond or he'll no I've been crying. "I'm sorry Jenna, I didn't mean anything I said back there I just wanted them to get them off my back and if it makes you feel any better I yelled at him for upsetting you and making you make up run off your beautiful face." I love listening to his voice but that last few words made me do something I didn't want to do today. I open the toilet door to see Miles looking straight at me with a frown. I get up and I go to hug him and he immediately hugs back and we stay like that for what feels like forever. "You can cry it's okay I have like twenty other shirts and jumpers. I take that offer and pour my eyes out as he coos and rubs my back and we both jump as a teacher enters and immediately sees Miles. "Mr Florence." Miss Wilson says sternly "Why are you in the girls bathroom?" He doesn't hesitate or she'll think he's lying. "My girlfriend had a breakdown, since she's really stressed about school and how a girl tried to kiss me and she saw but I didn't kiss her since I love her." He looks at me with sympathetic eyes and leans in and kisses me. I had my first kiss from my crush, oh my gosh. "Okay well you two can stay in here for 15 more minutes since class starts in 2 minutes and you are both in the same class?" She says while writing down on a class slip, "Yeah we both have Drama." My voice cracks and I'm about to cry again but I stop myself. "Okay you too are both allowed to be up to 10 minutes later, no later, to Mr Potters Drama class." She says while signing the small purple sheets and giving them to us.

After she leaves I hit Miles' arm, "What was that for??" He says slightly rubbing his arm, I must have hit him harder than I wanted. "Well first of all I'm not your girlfriend." I say while glaring at him waiting for his answer. "Do you think she would have let us stay if I wasn't your boyfriend?" I stay silent since I know he's right, "fine" I mutter, "you win." I say it too loud since he hears me and his eyes widen and brings his hand to cup his ear and lean towards me, "What was that, did the Jena Mulcay admit defeat? Am I dreaming?" He grabs my hands and jump up and down while still keeping his voice down, and whisper/shouting stuff like 'woohoo' and 'yay!' I grab his arm and bring him outside the toilets, he gives me a confused look at point to the digital clock in the hallway above the biology room, saying 11:49 and we have 3 minutes left of our 10 time gap. We start running and I realise he's faster than me but he stops realising I'm far behind him. "Cmon get those leggles moving girlie." I laugh at his wordplay making it worse that I'm out of breath, "leggles? Really?" I say giggling as we enter the corridor that leads to the drama building, "I bet you I can eat you there okay start at this tile for the starting line." I do as he says and I countdown "3....2...1" but I'm already off before go leaving him with far behind me but he still catches up and I enter the room just before him and we chuckle as the whole class looks at us since it was dead silently since they're watching a movie and were panting and laughing. "Reasons of lateness." We hand him the purple sheets and he gives us the sheets we have to fill out when watching the musical "Into The Woods."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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