Chapter Two

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*Faith's point of view*

I wake up, listening to the soft strumming of a guitar. I hear the faint sound of singing also. I quietly get out of bed, Tony's spot empty, and walk to the nursery across the hall. I open the door to see Tony playing his acoustic guitar and lightly singing to Abigail as she lays in her baby swing.

"Hush little baby, don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright.

Stiffen that upper lip up little lady, I told ya, daddy's here to, hold ya through the night." he quietly sings/raps. I smile.

"This is adorable." I say, Tony looking up at me shocked.

"How long have you been standing there?" he asks and I sit down beside him.

"Just a couple of minutes." I answer, tickling Abigail's feet, lightly. She smiles and I look back up to Tony.

"The bus will be here in a c couple of minutes?" he says and I nod.

"Got your bags downstairs?" I ask and he smiles.

"Yes baby." he says pulling me on his lap. I smile laying my head back on his shoulder.

"Y'know, at least I didn't get pregnant the first time we had sex." I say smiling.

"True. Your brothers would have killed me in some really painful way. I'm surprised they didn't try killing me when we told them." he says kissing my shoulder.

"They still yelled at you. I mean, Mike pushed you against the wall, trying to bash your head in." I say and he chuckles.

"My back still hurts from being shoved against the wall." he says and I I laugh.

"But now, we're all grown up. We have a baby to take care or now. A special baby at that." I say and he nods against my shoulder.

"She's our little special, miracle baby." he whispers. I turn sideways in his lap, pulling his face towards mine, and placing my lips on his. He kisses back, pulling away shortly and leaning his forehead against mine.

"It'll all be worth it though. Raising her to be a very bright woman." he whispers and I smile.

"To cute." a voice whispers and we jump, looking towards the door to see Vic, Mike, and Jaime standing there smiling, and phones out.

"Fuck you guys." Tony says flipping them off.

"You have a girlfriend for that." Jaime says chuckling at the glare I send him.

"The bus is here. We have your bags packed and everything. Be down within five minutes or else we're coming up to get you." Vic says sending a warning look. I nod and they head off downstairs, before saying hi and bye to Abigail.

"I'm gonna miss you." I say as we stand there, in the nursery.

"I'll be back within a couple of months. I promise." he says and I nod.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you Faith." he whispers back, resting his hand on my jaw and other hand on my neck, lightly kissing me.

"Maybe you could come out and see us? I'm sure the fans would love to meet her." he says pulling back.

"I've posted one picture of her on instagram and I instantly get hate comments saying she's ugly and she should die. Tony, they wouldn't take it to nicely." I sigh and he frowns.

"I'm sorry." he mumbles and I shake my head.

"Its not your fault. Have fun." I say, walking over and getting Abigail from her baby swing.

Baby Perry (Pierce The Veil fan fiction)(Sequel to I Needed You!) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now