Chapter 6

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I haven't updated this story for far too long.
Updates will still be inconsistent as I'm only writing when I have some spare time and when my mind is not dry of ideas.


"I believe the little heir is talking about me Sakura."

Green eyes widened as they took in the regal form of one Akasuna no Sasori, blinking only once when he stopped by her side.

"Sasori-san?" The pinkette trailed off uncertainly as she watched the man face her classmates.

Nine pairs of eyes locked on to him, one rounding up in recognition.

"Ah, it seems like your father already let you in the business," the red head noted as he assessed the orange head.

Lithe hands moved to caress soft pink tresses.

Molten eyes throwing daggers as an uncomfortable itch settled in his chest.

Murmurs sounded throughout the large expanse of the room until one question was raised:

"Business? Is it the Akatsuki?" Itachi asked as he remembered seeing a photo of the very same man in one of his late relative's office.

Pein turned sharply to stare at the raven haired boy.
'So he knows too,' he thought as he schooled his features.

"Indeed it is young Uchiha heir," Sasori smirked, "your grandfather was the one to have made me after all."


Eyes widened at what the redhead just said.

As young as they were, they weren't stupid. They know how the world works. They know what was dangerous and what was deadly.


The word rang in their minds beckoning them to a dark corner where old thoughts and knowledge laid buried and hidden from the world.

The leader of the underground.

That's what they were.

They remember their parents warning them about this organization. The leaders. The demons. The mighty. The gods.

'The Akatsuki. That's one name you should never forget. They can be the only ones to save you from anything and everything. But be careful with them too, my child.

Earn their wrath and all of us  would go back to being the dust we once were."

Pein and Itachi, being the only ones who know just a little bit more about the organization, couldn't help but feel a shiver run down their spine. They know what the redhead meant. What it implied.

They shared a shaky glance and urged their hands to still.

He was no ordinary member of the organization they were being told to be wary of. They know that he was no ordinary experiment. He was no ordinary machine.

This was the apocalypse embodied.

They, in all their measly life years, never thought that this experience would come. They never even dared to dream of this ever happening.

But really, who would've ?

The puppet is what they were being the audience of.


Kisame sighed as he walked with Itachi towards the direction of the public park. Both of them were to meet their respective drivers who'll take them home.

His friend is usually silent - calm. The loudest he has ever been was when he was discussing with Sakura about the effectiveness of some kind of mind stuff.

What was it called again?

mirror psychology? Reverse psychology? Gah.

However the silence-no, the muteness that the raven was being right now, it was unnerving. Itachi was clearly shaken.

"Most probably because of the happenings earlier," the blue haired child thought. He remembered how pale most of the faces around earlier have gotten. And he may be one of the more rowdier ones of the bunch but he was pretty observant- way more than anyone would ever give him credit for. He was sure that he had seen the sadistic glint in the redhead's eyes earlier.

And the paper white pallor that their eldest had gotten.

Kisame shivered. He never knew something could frighten the tangerine-head that much.

He knew that the guy was dangerous especially when he felt the air pulse and ripple as he walked- no, glided to them. It honestly looked like gravity itself was shying away from the man not wanting to touch even the tiniest lint on his being.

All of his heightened senses basically screamed to get away from him. But what he doesn't know is why.

"Ne, ne Itachi. I know that the Akatsu-"

A slap echoed in the seemingly unpopulated playground.


"Keep your voice low when you utter that name, Kisame. In fact, never again should you even mention a syllable if you do not want to be taken away." Raven eyes darkened as Itachi quickly scanned their surroundings.

Stupefied, Kisame who just saw his family car pull up, quickly dragged the Uchiha towards it.

Once inside, clicks could be heard as he locked them inside. Pausing for a moment, he whirled around so quick that he tumbled down his seat. The bluenette scrambled up to his knees and quickly closed the divider not giving the shocked driver any notice.

"Itachi," he whispered when he finally deemed them soundproof, successfully taking his friend out of his daze "I know that the Aka- the red cloud is dangerous but what makes this Sasori guy super duper scary? Is he the boogeyman or something?"

"Something like that"

"...I guess."

It's not really much of an update, I'm so so sorry.
I don't think I can upload any future chapters consistently as I'm currently occupied with my classes. It makes me happy to know that people are still reading this story though ☺️ thanks a bunch guys.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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