Chapter 2

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↑picture of the doll minus the blood and with more clothes (Sasori's Akatsuki outfit)↑



Chapter 2

Tsunade wrung her hands in worry as she kept her eyes on Sakura who was currently playing with the wooden doll.

There was something familiar about it and she can't shake the ominous feeling that something bad is going to happen.

"I'm hoooooommmmmeee!" Was the first thing that Jiraya said, announcing his presence quite loudly.

He had his arms wide open as if waiting for someone to jump into them.

He wasn't disappointed though,

Because as soon as he stepped inside the household, the pinkette had already run as fast as she could with her short legs, all the while carrying Sasori.

"Omph!" Jiraya grunted as Sakura's doll made its way to his jaw.

"Jii-chan!! Sakuwa missed you!"

"I missed you too Saku-chan" the man fondly said as he stared at his beloved granddaughter with adoration. Completely forgetting his throbbing jaw.

The young girl grinned and dragged him to where she was playing before.

"You know jii-chan? Sasowi-san taught me how to draw" Sakura said, showing him a puppet drawn with crayons.


Sakura sat on one of the stools in the kitchen munching on some cheese flavored chips.

"Would you like some Sasowi-san?" The girl asked as she offered her food to the doll placed in front of her.

A gust of wind entered the kitchen making the pinkette close her eyes.

"Thank you Sakura"

Sakura opened her eyes and smiled the brightest one she could muster.


"Where are your grandparents Sakura?" Asked a red haired and chestnut eyed man, who looked about 24 summers old, give or take some years.

"They left fow wowk Sasowi-san"


Sakura grinned

"Now cawwy me!!"


Sasori sighed for the umpteenth time as he watched over the little girl as she slept.

He kept wondering how Madara just gave him to someone so young.

He was the late Uchiha's most prized and deadliest experiment.

Not to mention, the most sought out by other organizations and laboratories.

Things just didn't add up.

'Maybe there's more to this girl than what meets the eye' he thought as his eyes wandered on Sakuras sleeping form. Not pervertedly, but more in a 'I'm-gonna-keep-observing-you-till-I-see-your-hidden-powers' kind of stare.

The sound of someone opening the gate didn't escape his ears.

He sighed in defeat, knowing that he would have to return to his puppet form.

He took one last glance at the young pinkette before plopping on the ground.

The wind picked up and blurred around his form.

And when it disappeared, a puppet had took his place just as the door to Sakura's room opened.

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