Chapter Eleven

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The fight was brutal. They punched each other in their faces or their stomaches. I ran in to get in between them to make this fight stop I couldn't see much more of this anymore it was just terrifying seeing I caused this and made them become enemies I feel bad so bad. I ran in but had the worst of my luck. I got punched hard on my cheek which left a purple and blue bruise. The two of them looked at me with worry in their eyes which mad them come to me to tell how sorry they were and blamed each other for causing my pain. I couldn't take it anymore I can't stand them fighting it's my fault for their friendship to break apart so I stood up and told them I'm tired of this.
"Stop!"I shouted"just stop!"I said putting my hands between them
"I'm tired of this I can't stand seeing you two fighting and blaming each other and though it's my fault all of this was. If we never met you two would still be friends and Kevin would still be torturing me which I got used to!"I felt my eyes stinging. Why was I about to cry do I really care about them that much?
"And I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for you meeting me I'm sorry that you had to even talk to me!"at that point I didn't care I just let the small water drops fall down my face leaving tear stains and ruining my makeup that I didn't really even care about. I started to fall slightly until I was on my knees and covered my face up with the palm of my hands. I felt to different hands on my shoulders kneeling down to my level and hugging me.
"It's ok grace"I heard Kevin say
"Ya is ok"I heard the echoing voice of Isaac say
I couldn't help but hug them both and kiss them in the cheek. I got up and rubbed my flowing makeup of my face my hands didn't get most of my makeup off so I went to the bathroom to try to clean it all off. I walked into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I felt happy I got all of this off my chest so I don't feel bad anymore. When I finished I didn't make it out the bathroom a shadow like figure ran in and pinned me to the wall so only my back was facing he or she but I'm pretty sure it's a he because of his strength. Emotions running through my head trying to figure out what's going on.
"Grace" low voice said into my ear. The voice made me shiver inside to know who it is.
"You know I always loved you"the voice continued"but you just left me like that"the voice added. I could feel him twirling my hair with his finger and stroking it to think he's calming me down but it's not working.
"L-let me go!"I said struggling to get of his grip but sadly failed
"I'm afraid I can't do that"he said in a lower and scarier voice
"Grace you know I've missed you while I was sent away but when you told me you never even loved me well that hurt and it hurt a lot"he said tugging on some of my hair which I let out a small Yelp of pain but which scared me more was who I knew it was. Austin.
"Austin let me go!"I tried struggling again
"I won't ever let you go"he said tugging on my hair which made me Yelp of pain louder.
I could feel his breath getting closer to me which made me scared out of my mind. I felt him slowly lift up the bottom of my dress and in my mind I thought. Oh god I'm going to be raped anyone got a rape whistle!? Until the voice of Kevin and Isaac came in.
"Grace how long is it going to take you to clean off make-"Isaac stopped when he saw Austin
Austin was no longer there on top of me so I ran out the door and let Isaac and Kevin do what they wanted beat him up I do t care as long as I was out of there and far away from him. I heard a few screams but I didn't care. But when I didn't hear much screams it was time to stop. I walked in and pulled then of of him. Well all they had was a few scratches but for Austin his luck didn't come to him. A black eye, bloody lip,and not to forget a bloody nose. At that point I couldn't help but smile. Sure you might be thinking wow that's evil to stare at a half dead person and smile well yes it is but to remind you don't you know what he was about to do to me...ya exactly. After that I hooked my arms with Kevin and Isaac's arms and skipped of happily well I skipped they're to 'manly' to skip.
"Your just going to leave me here!"I heard Austin yell.
I turned around and looked at him
"Why yes,yes I am"I said turning around and skipping father away from him. I heard him yell at me to come back or he would just spit out curse words at me but I ignored it.
After that we all went home and of corse we went into Isaac's limo but Kevin couldn't because he had his boring regular car he drove here. When Issac dropped me off we stood by the car door and talked a bit about what happened tonight.
"I wonder how Austin is doing"u said
"I really don't care if he's bleeding out or something"he shrugged
"You know I really regret I didn't take a picture" I said
"True"he said agreeing
I looked at him for a while and it took me back in time when we were at the fair. I feel like I should make up for the kiss. I couldn't stand it anymore so I leaned in and kissed him. But he pushed me away which left me confused.
"Grace I can't do this its just awkward"he said
"Are you serious?"I said crossing my arms
"Nah I'm just getting back at you from the fair"he said and grabbed my waist and kissed me. I thought for a moment wait does this mean I have two boyfriends? Well I guess kinda well I don't know. After that the kiss ended and we waved our goodbyes and I left inside to my sweet comfortable bed from all that happened tonight to get some sleep. I undressed into my pjs and got under my covers and left for a flight to sleepy town. Now that was a homecoming to remember.
Wow done in this chapter I thought it was going to be short but it was a decent sized chapter. But anyway not my best chapter but I try so like always stay Amazin readers :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2024 ⏰

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