For Emily - 2

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Samy never liked to question life. It wasn't something he was very good at. So when he saw his neighboor get the trash out once again, he didn't feel the need to ask her why was she doing it when the truck clearly came about forthy-five minutes ago. He aslo didn't say anything when he noticed the trash she just had put out was pratically emty.

After she went back inside her house, he couldn't help but felt jealousy coming up his throat. He wished he could also go back inside his house without carring about anything. He wished he could just go back and ignore the fights, the yelling, but instead to find inside a loving mother making dinner and a fantastic father setting the table. Just like before.

However, Samy wasn't stupid, contrarly to many beliefs. He knew he wasn't that Lucky. Therefore he stayed outside, on the porch and stared at the then setting sun. He closed his eyes and did what Emily always told him to do in that case.

"I hate that my parents are always fighting. I feel like it's my fault that they're like that. I-" his heart stung, his eyes burned.

Emily took him by the arm and hugged him. She knew that it wasn't his fault. She also knew that what he needed at that precise moment was to calm down, breath and have a friend by his side. So that's what she became for him.

"Come on Sam, look at me. Just at me. There. Now breath in, then breath out. You have to control yourself and not get angry too hard. It isn't your fault that they're fighting so stop listening to your stupid brain okay ? "

He face was illuminated by her precious smile. At the beautiful sight, he couldn't help himself but to do as she said so. She had cupped his face into his hands and he started wishing she would never let it go.

He breathed in, breathed out. As he opened his eyes he felt a tear escaping his eye and without realising his action, as if it wasn't meant to be seen by anyone, wiped it off.

His head hung low as he whispered : " Oh Emily..."


Rain fell so hard on her that it pratically felt like someone was constantly poking the top of her head. However that didn't stop her from running. Her feet were working on their own. She was breathless but swore to never stop. To keep on running until she would arrive there.

Her safe Heaven.

Suddenly she fell, hard on the concrete. As she winced, she looked down to her right knee and saw a red liquid falling, drop by drop.


She hit the concreat by anger.

Where the hell was she ?

Was wasn't she there like she promised?

Where the hell was Emily?

Lucia stood up , and with difficulty started walikng. It wasnt far from where she fell. She cuold already distinguish the woods from where she stood.

She gathered the ridiculous amount of hope she had Inside of her and walked until she could touch the first tree of the long and dark woods .


" Pete ? Are you serious right now ? Pete !"

He widened his eyes and roamed the room he was in with a confused face. When he realised what happened, he muttered few cussed words.

Dammit Pete, you have to stop doing that.

Stop thinking so much about her !

You have to stop !

He sighed, pressed his palms on his facened, quitely listening to the hard rain outside.

"You were thinking about her again, weren't you  ? "

He looked up at Duke. Seeing the concern on Duke's face, his own softened.

"No, I was thinking about Emily." he lied.

Peter didn't completely lie, he thought about her almost everyday.

Duke's breathing stopped for half a second, before his face showed hurt , pain then finally anger.

Life wasn't fair . How the fuck were they supposed to be sane and healthy now? How were they supposed to make it out there ?

Damn you Emily.


The night fell abrutly on them. They almost didn't expect it.

Lucia was the only one to arrive but when she did, the ray on sunshine usually present on her face wasn't there anymore. Instead, pain and anger had taken its place. It didn't help that she couldn't walk either due to the blood streaming down from knee injured.

"What the hell happened to you ? " Duke's voice rang into the small room.
With his face filled with the same old worry, he rushed to her and helped her sitting down.

She winced few times, but was extremely grateful for it.

"I tripped at practice, that's all." She lied. She felt guilt making its way into her heart but she didn't let it take its place. She could lie to those poeple. They weren't exactly her friends, more like her siblings. Siblings lie to each other, that's how it had always worked. The only one she couldn't ever lie to was Emily.

Where the hell was she anyway ?

Duke came and gave her a glass of water and while she drank it, he cleaned and proceeded on taking care of her now wide opened knee.

Duke didn't care that Lucia was the only one that came to his little "get together" for his birthday. He knew people weren't in the mood to party. Even he felt bad for being born at this date.

It was ridiculous to think like that but it was true. How could other people be partying when they knew about Emily. Were they really that inconsidered towards Em ? Didn't they love her ?

Of course they loved her. They still do. She was their everything. They all cherished her, were ready to do anything for her. Without hesitation.

It wasn't a threat.

It was a promise.

For Emily.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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