High school.

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High school. Definition by a high school student.

First day:

Okay, I can do this. It's just high school. How hard can it be? Those are the thoughts of 14 year old Morgan Haywood before she walked into her freshman year at MMHS.

Morgan's P.O.V.

Okay. High school can't be THAT bad. I walk through the doors of the high school/middle school carrying more than I can handle. I make my way past the office doors and walk tworads the band room. I walk into one of the practice rooms, (because we hadn't gotten our combinations and/or lockers yet.) practice room 3 the first one in the hall way. I drop off my euphonium in the usual spot behind the piano. I hide it there so no one steals it. And I walk back out of the band room. I head to the East wing of the school. AKA the High school entrance.

“MOGO!!!” I hear stomping and I turn around to see one of my best friends Autumn running twords me. I quickly duck to avoid being knocked over.

“Autumnah!!!” I yell back standing up. She raps me in a ginormous hug. “U-h, u-h. Aut-umn? I-i can't breath” I say in a huff. She releases.

“Oh sorry” She says jumping up and down. “O-M-G MORGAN!!!! WE ARE FRESHMAN!!!!!” She screams and I'm pretty sure the entire commons hears her. I turn into a tomato. Everyone was starring.

Well, here's one thing about me...I'm shy. I refuse to talk to anyone really in the school. And I like to stay in the shadows. It's better that way. No one bothers you and life is worry free.

I am standing at my locker trying to figure out my combination when I am suddenly swept off my feet and spun around quickly. I knew exactly who it was. Adam Peterson, my boyfriend. I started grinning and turning into a tomato. “Adam!! Put me down!” He glently set me down I turned around and rapped him in a huge hug. I remaind there in his arms for a second.

I walked down stairs to my first hour. Mr. Hedges U.S. History B. Great. Better yet, I have no idea on this great Earth where it is. All I know is it's downstairs. I spot Mrs.Andrews my cheer team coach. Oh thank goodness. Finally someone I know that can tell me where to go. I walk into the classroom that Mrs.Andrews pointed to. I remembered my best friend's Mara and Megan are in that class with me. I was so excited. 

I walk into the room, it's a nice room with decorations everywhere. I hear the teacher clear his throught. We all look at him and stopped the chatter. He smiled at us. "Good Morning and welcome to your first day of U.S. history B." He started to say something else when a brown haired boy bumped into me. I looked at him and suddenly it was like the world stopped. So, this is what it feels like to have love at first sight? I guess so. "Sorry," He said in a muffled vocie. I could smell him. He smells like heaven mixed with unicorns. No joke. I hear my name. 

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